Could It Get Any Worse??

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Could it get any worse?? Jun 30, 2007
Sami al Haj, the Jazeera TV journalist has been arrested and jailed in Guantanamo since 2001 until today for absolutely NO REASON !!!

WHY would this happen? Has the US military become so blindly insane and harsh to take such actions? He is the only journalist in Guantanamo now and has been there for more than 5 years with no real evidence of his 'crime' nor an explanation or reasons for detaining him.

A ruined life, torture in a hellish prison with the real terrorists, sleepless night, hope that is running out, miserable environment, no contact allowed with lawyer, sickness and disease and no medicine allowed intentionally, lonely years without wife, children, family or job. What do innocent victims like this have to hold on to and why should they suffer for being on duty- in this case an assignment of covering the aftermath situtation after Taliban was arrested. While crossing the Afghan borders on Dec 15th with his photographer, he was stopped and his co-worker was left to pass. Since then nobody has seen him again.

When will the US military act TAKE THEIR MISSION SERIOUSLY AND FAIRLY AS ITS SUPPOSED TO BE? There are rules to ANY& EVERY JOB on this planet, even if one is a US army official or Pakistani official under US control!!

Much of the US army behavior has gone beyond huminatarian levels and has broken all ground rules for basic human rights that are globally agreed upon. When will this stop???

MORE ON SAMI AL HAJ'S STORY: ... soner.html

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