symmetric wrote:Cordoba itself had more than 800 publich baths, where are they today?
Only those beautiful pieces of arts such as Al Hamra Palace, and Cordoba's grand mosque survived

Well, if you could speak seriously at any topic I would say following about "baths". Besides Russian bath (banya) and pretty similar Finnish one (sauna), which are the best and absolutely authentic in my view, I like Turkish bath as well.
The only thing, that surprised me there, is the similarity this kind of bath to Roman therms. On the other hand, there is nothing similar in Azerbaijan or Uzbekistan, where Turks came from quite recently.
As for attitude to the past, as I said Spain looks much better than Tunisia, where one of the biggest Roman colony was located or Egypt. There are only ruins in those 2 Muslim states. I know that you like ruins but prefer spent own vacation in Europe.
What have you got in Russia anyways? Weren't any Russian women good enough for you to marry an Uzbek?

It stange to hear such a question from a virgin like you. It looks that you cannot find any.

Anyway I don't have problem with ladies of different nationalities. Some of them are amazing, including one Irani girl. The only thing, which stopped the temptation, is her fancy Italian dresses, which she changed every day. I have not seen any dress more than once during one month although met her almost every day. So I wasn't sure in my finances to keep such a woman.
Anyway my wife is ethnically Russian for 100%. What the problem do you have with Uzbeks? Do you hate them as strong as Jews?