You strongly support the Israeli massacres and war criminals against Palestinians and Lebanese people, and you're so proud of it

Asians, Africans, Aborigines, Palestinians, Lebanese, who else .. lol !!?
oh yes, your Muslim daughter and grandson

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
symmetric wrote:Take your alzheimer pills on time - -
Its not healthy hating majority of world's population
symmetric wrote:And I still see smoke !! Seriously, consider putting a photo of a chimney
symmetric wrote:Now she's degrading kids with special needs - - LOL
Bethsmum wrote:I'm confused!
There are so many contradictions in Islam. They manifest themselves here on DF everyday.
We have DF's very own Ayatolla admitting he didn't take an Islamic mortgage because an infidel one was more financial viable for him.
Then there's the little munchkin, a practising Muslim, who shacks up with his Filipino girlie friend, breaking the law of the land aswell as going against Islam.
Then there's Sym. I'm not sure what his game is, death to all Jews and then with a flick of a switch, he's all sweetness and light and holiday photos.
When I was in Dubai recently, the place seemed to be over run with Saudis. I got talking to a few and they all seemed very nice indeed. One nice boy became very interested in Beth and we spent a good few hours talking to him and his two friends by the pool. They seemed very respectable, one being an Engineering student and one studying to be a doctor. One thing that I was very interested in was that they were all drinking beer. I asked them about it and they explained that their families didn't mind them drinking alcohol. Not only did they drink beer but spirits too. How fasinating!
It must be tough being a Muslim, with so many rules to break.
I found it all very amusing that they all fasted during Ramadan. Does fasting wipe out all of your sins or something?