This is your perfect world, isn't it?

@General, what do you expect min hal 5amma w el louth?

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
symmetric wrote:Offcourse its more than perfect to attack Islam and Middle Easterns openly on continuous basis with no shame, but its a taboo to do the same with Jews. It's also a regular thing to you to throw the ugliest and racist offensive comments on a whole group of people, be it Africans, Asians, or even the poor Aborigines, but its a taboo to say something similar towards the Jews.
This is your perfect world, isn't it?
@General, what do you expect min hal 5amma w el louth?
Flying Dutchman wrote:Currently jews flow from Europe to Israel due to Arab harasment and not the other way around. Its history repeating itself. First Israel became strong because of Arab harasment in Arab countries. Now Israel becomes stronger and stronger because of Muslim antisemitism in Europe. Your antisemtism just makes Israel stronger!
symmetric wrote:That's exactly what I'm talking about here, even when a person like me for instance, changed my views and opinion regarding something (which became hostile after reading the load of hateful crap against my middle eastern society and religion), it was never good enough to cool up things, wicked people will never let go a grudge for the sake of a better future. Your character is evil by default!
Your own Western people killed more Jews than any other nation did in history!!
So was it worth it to approach peaceful thoughts with those bunch of arrogant hateful ignorants? No.
Remember, none of you are related 1 bit to our Middle Eastern backgrounds, history, society, heritage, culture, and even religion. Get yourself an identity, instead of acting like stray dogs barking randomly on people in the streets, lol.
So now, you may shut up
general_A wrote:well well well, i've been away for quite some time, and now that i'm back, i see nothing has changed.
how is everyone doing? good to be back
symmetric wrote:Why spill dirt on clean land?
Rather expell them all and throw them back to their home-countries in Europe, and Russia.
Flying Dutchman wrote:Guess where I am now.![]()
Currently jews flow from Europe to Israel due to Arab harasment and not the other way around. Its history repeating itself. First Israel became strong because of Arab harasment in Arab countries. Now Israel becomes stronger and stronger because of Muslim antisemitism in Europe. Your antisemtism just makes Israel stronger!
Bethsmum wrote:symmetric wrote:That's exactly what I'm talking about here, even when a person like me for instance, changed my views and opinion regarding something (which became hostile after reading the load of hateful crap against my middle eastern society and religion), it was never good enough to cool up things, wicked people will never let go a grudge for the sake of a better future. Your character is evil by default!
Your own Western people killed more Jews than any other nation did in history!!
So was it worth it to approach peaceful thoughts with those bunch of arrogant hateful ignorants? No.
Remember, none of you are related 1 bit to our Middle Eastern backgrounds, history, society, heritage, culture, and even religion. Get yourself an identity, instead of acting like stray dogs barking randomly on people in the streets, lol.
So now, you may shut up
So Sym, you can spout your hatred by wishing death to all Jews and then say you've changed your views and expect us all to swallow that? Do me a favour! No one with that much hatred inside of them, simmering away, can change their view overnight. I thnk if we have anyone here with an evel character, then it is you.
You talk about a better future then you mention the Nazi's killing Jews. That's history. I find it much more worrying that a person of your age can habour thoughts of wiping a whole race of people out.
I remember when you were spouting your hatred last year. The moderator of that topic was Shafique. He did not remove your post which I thought was very offensive and then I was given a weeks ban for having an Israeli flag as my avator! How does that compare?
I repeat, never once have I wished death to anyone, not in real life or on an internet forum.
To be perfectly honest, I'm pleased not to be related to you. I much prefer my Jewish relatives.
Who are you to tell anyone to shut up? This is an internet forum and I have as much right to post here as you do. You should grow up and realise that everyone has their own opinion. Have you ever heard of the saying 'people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones'? You would do well to heed that saying! When you are the perfect being, then you can critise others. In the meantime you would do well to remember how many people you offended when you wished death to all Jews.
shafique (to Flying Dutchman) wrote:However, your premise that Muslim anti-semitism is driving European Jews to Israel seems to not be supported by the actual stats. Unless, that is, you are arguing that anti-semitism from Europe is declining and hence why the emigration figures are declining? (The figures show that all countries are declining - France, UK etc)
Let's deal with your assertion and the evidence. We all now can recognise silly attempts at diverting attention away from your failure to back up your statement with evidence.
event horizon wrote:You don't actually think stats explain reasons, do you?
desertdudeshj wrote:Calling it Ironic would be a joke, the same people that spew out hate on a daily basis then have the gall to get up on their high horses and lecture other on things that offend them.
Syms puts it dead on with his posts, I know for a fact these posters would be shot down and kicked out by many if not all posters on many American, Canadian and British forums for the shyte they post here. Right now I currently get the oppurtunity to chat with a lot of people from around the world, and even made good friends there. Down right to three times a week church going southern bible belt, bible thumping folks and even they don't hold such views and in fact are very nice people.
What the phobic loons do here is just reflect poorly on their own culture, nation and race. Fortunately I'm not as dumb as they are to paint with the broad brush they paint everyone for the actions of a fews. But ofcourse I'm talking logic and sense here, something totaly absent in their empty belfries.
-- Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:32 pm --event horizon wrote:You don't actually think stats explain reasons, do you?
Yes facts never coroborate fiction, but ofcourse you are entirely made up of fiction and as the old saying goes. Reality bites !