the message board for Dubai English speaking community
175bpm wrote:
sniper420 wrote:175bpm wrote:
u r bcoming more influenced by requests of females to change ur ava
175bpm wrote:sniper420 wrote:175bpm wrote:
u r bcoming more influenced by requests of females to change ur ava![]()
you should try it
bushra21 wrote:why would i have a grudge against you.
other than the fact that you bothered me nonstop, freaked me out, and then turn around and call me a lier and make up some bogus stuff then to prove your innocence....
so again i say...alleged?
sniper420 wrote:175bpm wrote:sniper420 wrote:175bpm wrote:
u r bcoming more influenced by requests of females to change ur ava![]()
you should try it
Nah next they will ask to change ur gender! lesban*sm is at it's peak in DF
St.Lucifer wrote:i have no intend to fight on this topic again. But if i remember correctly, none of the things i posted were bogus but it was you who made fraudulent remarks and allegations. How in the world can u say that I called u up at night and odd times.. and I would say that either u had a very very unpleasant dream abt me stalking u and calling up from 3-4 different numbers or you are still mistakin me for someone else. And I'm telling u again.. if u'd seen anything more in my pms than what i'd pasted here.. you tell me.. I dont know how to remove this thought from you. U are just mistaken bushra..
bushra21 wrote:*cough*
allah yisa3idni ma3 hayda alahbal
bushra21 wrote:ma yihimni bisatee....batkalam bil lu3'a ili biyi3jibne.
if people can lie about others why cant i speak in a language that i want to.
its not like no one understands it.
o shay tani.....ana mish 7abebtak....gowad il ashar
175bpm wrote:bushra21 wrote:ma yihimni bisatee....batkalam bil lu3'a ili biyi3jibne.
if people can lie about others why cant i speak in a language that i want to.
its not like no one understands it.
o shay tani.....ana mish 7abebtak....gowad il ashar
its an english speaking forum
bushra21 wrote:so, its in english....figure it out...its not like im writing in arabic over here
^ian^ wrote:Congrats man.
Bushra, stop hijacking the thread, we heard you the first time, go hook up with Alina and join the attention seeking club together.
bushra21 wrote:i dont need attention. especially from anyone in a forum. also, i didnt mean to hijack the thread...just let my emotions get the best of me.
ill try not to let it happen again.
bushra21 wrote:ialso, ian, dont compare me to alina...please, i am nothing like her.
175bpm wrote:bushra21 wrote:ialso, ian, dont compare me to alina...please, i am nothing like her.
i thought you were both female
mema wrote:i know im new..but couldn't resist...congratulations...ur coooooooool