I drink coffee from getting up until midday. Then, after midday, I drink tea. Occasionally at night, I have another cup of coffee.
Depending on my mood, I make coffee in my percolator and I go through phases of drinking instant. Always strong and without milk. I hesitate to say black for fear of being labelled 'racist'. ( my Policemen cousins aren't allowed to ask for black coffee but there is a Black Police Officers Union, and soon to be a Black Footballers Union!!)
I digress

I once followed a diet that insisted I drank caffeine free coffee. I tried it and health wise (headaches etc) I didn't notice any difference.
So I figured if I was going to drink coffee, I may as well get a kick from it. Drinking caffeine free coffee is a bit like drinking alcohol free lager. Why bother?
Do you like a nice cup of coffee?