herve wrote:Bora, you did not read my post, so I say it AGAIN, "there are beautiful Arab and Persian women", truly, I actually met many in person.
You are a woman, I lived among arab men, I know what I heard, I know what they told me, you don't and of course they would never tell you that.
Again, they beleive and say between each other, that western women are d!rty, wh0res, and impures, now that s what I heard, because you have so much more broadcast on you tube and internet to prove me right.
You are in denial BB, western men worship women, arab men treat them like commodities.
I also know what i heard from arab women who confided with me about $ex with arab men, compared to $ex with western men, again I dont invente this, it s just what I heard.
What would an arab man know anything about a "Hot" woman when the only thing he wants is a personal gratification.
A "hot" woman would be bored to death let me tell you this.
Again HOT and BEAUTIFUL is not the same.
Editing your own quotes Herve???
What is your definition of "hot"? Is it a woman who is not necessarily attractive but sends the message: oh, man, I want you!!! Do me, do me!! And what is beautiful to you? Nice to look at? Can a woman be hot and beautiful at the same time?
Because a "hot" woman is considered a prostitute in the arab society, and that is appaling
Dont get me wrong, there are beautiful arab or persian women, unfortunately they cannot express their beauty without being cast out, or even murdered.
What a shame that you take "what you heard" from a few Arab men and women (I assume they were locals) and apply it across the board. The opinions of a few do not mean it is the opinion shared by all. How many arab women "confided" in you Herve?? Highly unlikely they were (married?) local women. These Arab women talked to you about comparing Arab men and Western men? Were you what they used as a comparison as a westerner, or were they talking about the many Arab men and Western men they were with??
Where did the denial about western men come into this?

Western men worship women?? What a funny way so many of them show their worshipping: wife beaters/murderers, rapists, mentally and emotionally abusive men, porno lovers, cheaters, divorce. Or are these the acts of men caused by women who didn't appreciate how they were being worshipped?.
I'm married to an Arab. I guess I'm not "hot" because he treats me with respect and equality. We are partners in our marriage and neither one of us stands above the other, or walks behind the other, as we stand side by side.
Every time you open your yap you make claims that apply to ALL Arab men, ALL Arab women, ALL western women, ALL western men, ALL Muslims. You take the opinions of a few people and make it the opinion of ALL people.
I'm sure that everyone who knows you knows that you speak from bitterness. Someone made you an offer that you couldn't refuse. I'm sure the money and possible glory you dreamed of factored in when you accepted the offer. In the your photos with Sultan you didn't look too worried. If anything, you looked like you were having a pretty good time. You just took the offer from the wrong person. Sh*t happens Herve to everyone because of bad decisions that they make. Own it, get over it and move on.
And they say there is nothing worse than a woman scorned. You prove that men are capable of the same behavior, if not worse. If you have any money to spare I can tell you of a very good investment you can make: see a psychiatrist before you loose what is left in your life.