CID To Arrest Women Who Dress Like Men

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CID to arrest women who dress like men Jun 02, 2011
Amazing how this place never left the dark ages.
Now they will arrest women who dress to "manly" :lol: :lol: :lol:
undercover police women from the vice squad scooting malls, ......hilarious
They should impose the abaya for all the women, like in Saudi
What a wonderful dump to live in. ... i-campaign

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Re: CID To Arrest Women Who Dress Like Men Jun 02, 2011
there is like a 3-4 ideas in my head,
- "never left the dark ages", middle east didn't really have dark ages :D , its coming from there, there far away, check history :)
- I didn't really see the article is focusing on arresting women dressed manly, it actually vary how manly, plus as we agreed many times before, their country, their rules :)
- Saudi aah, I miss Riyadh....
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Re: CID to arrest women who dress like men Jun 02, 2011
Agree, look, i dont care if Dubai arrests women in baggy pants, make it mandatory to worship sheikh MO , force men to wear a mustach or jail tourists for a kiss, like you said their land their country, BUT they should not say it is an open society and the best country to live in, with the best beaches in the world, because it is not only a lie, but a fraud.
Dark ages means their mentality is frozen in the 7th century, they may drive cars and use mobile phones, they still think the same way than 1300 years ago
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Re: CID To Arrest Women Who Dress Like Men Jun 02, 2011
Next thing they'll have to stop men wearing dresses...
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Re: CID To Arrest Women Who Dress Like Men Jun 02, 2011
I can understand why they are clamping down, However they are refusing to see the root cause as they say it happens because of co educational schooling when everyone knows that segregation is what leads to girls behaving like boys.
Rather than acknowledging the root cause the populist method is to blame the evils of modern life such as co education, at least it sounds better
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Re: CID To Arrest Women Who Dress Like Men Jun 02, 2011
Well, I've been out and have seen many females dressed like men, but it is quite obvious that they have no interest in men. :wink: I thought those bumps under their shirts were muscular pecs!!!! :shock:
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Re: CID to arrest women who dress like men Jun 02, 2011
So they're focusing on female students. What gets me is their instant association, that a girl wearing 'manly' dress is instantly branded a lesbian!!! er no. What about a girl wearing cargo pants and a t-shirt because it's comfortable?

Oh well. We'll just have to dress up to the nines and totter about on heels in the malls :roll:
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Re: CID To Arrest Women Who Dress Like Men Jun 02, 2011
The National wrote:Dr Alia Ibrahim, a family counsellor and life coach who has studied the issue, said "the reasons for the development of such behaviour are to rebel or to stand out, or even to change their identity".

Misguided sexual orientation, social differentiations between males and females, multiple marriages of the father and sexual assaults or harassment also contributed, Dr Ibrahim said.

According to Islamic tradition, it is forbidden for men and women to act like the opposite sex. Such behaviour is considered a deviance from God's plan and from nature.

"Men likening themselves to women and women to men, whether in clothing or the way they talk, walk or in their demeanour and appearance, is despised by any person whose nature has not been corrupted," a Friday sermon warned last year.

Very interesting. Seems they really want to keep women in their place! :evil:
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Re: CID To Arrest Women Who Dress Like Men Jun 02, 2011
People adopting the opposite gender's behavior is due to events in the person's life, genuine disorders (mental and Physical) or perhaps peer pressure , Their are other multitude of factors that can also cause this to happen. But segregation of the sexes is certainly not the cause of the problem.

IMHO this is a good move by the UAE govt, However they should focus on incorporating this understanding in younger children , Behavioral disorders such as faggot-ism & cross dressing can be completely eliminated. I postulate that the faggot can be corrected with both hormonal therapy and psychiatric counselling , however such a controlled experiment is yet to be carried out.

Here are two books from google books on this subject matter , Cross-Dressing is otherwise termed as Gender Dysphoria or Gender Identity Disorders. , &
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Re: CID To Arrest Women Who Dress Like Men Jun 02, 2011
So basically this place has turned into one of the most sexist countries in the world?
I really can't believe I'm reading this, so women aren't allowed to wear pants and a shirt? What, do they have to dress like slags in order to remain within the law?

I understand if it was 'Men can't wear women's clothes',
but this is just overboard...

Misguided sexual orientation

Does it get more homophobic and biased than this?
I understand if it's against the theistic rules of this country, but should their journalism also be biased? Don't they care as to how people outside of the UAE might view this?
They weren't even quoting the woman directly. :roll:
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Re: CID To Arrest Women Who Dress Like Men Jun 02, 2011
cw71017 wrote:
Misguided sexual orientation

Does it get more homophobic and biased than this?

Oooops!!! I thought you were talking about Zubber. :lol: :lol:
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Re: CID To Arrest Women Who Dress Like Men Jun 02, 2011
zubber wrote: IMHO this is a good move by the UAE govt, However they should focus on incorporating this understanding in younger children , Behavioral disorders such as faggot-ism & cross dressing can be completely eliminated. I postulate that the faggot can be corrected with both hormonal therapy and psychiatric counselling , however such a controlled experiment is yet to be carried out.

and you mean "forced" chemical therapy of course. Does your psychiatric "counselling" include whipping?
Have you considered electroshocks and internment camps?
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Re: CID To Arrest Women Who Dress Like Men Jun 02, 2011
AS i said once before , the faggots need their own nation, or their own planet , there they may practice whatever they wish in peace. This way in a matter of 50 to 60 years , the earth will be rid of such filth
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Re: CID to arrest women who dress like men Jun 02, 2011
You seem to ignore the much higher rate of homose$uality among Arabs, especially when they are young because they are segregated from women until they marry. So who is calling a faggot here :D
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Re: CID To Arrest Women Who Dress Like Men Jun 02, 2011
zubber wrote:AS i said once before , the faggots need their own nation, or their own planet , there they may practice whatever they wish in peace. This way in a matter of 50 to 60 years , the earth will be rid of such filth

Zubber, I think it is people who share your "opinion", or is it phobia :? , should find your own island. Society is much more accepting, or at the very least tolerable, towards gays than those that suffer from homophobia.

I understand that there are several islands available on "The World". :lol: I'm sure there is one small one that you can acquire.
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Re: CID To Arrest Women Who Dress Like Men Jun 02, 2011
Now for a brief moment let us imagine that one of our parents ( or in case if you are parent , you would imagine this) , were a fagg0t , Would you or your offspring exist ?

.... hmmm... quite a conundrum
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Re: CID To Arrest Women Who Dress Like Men Jun 02, 2011
zubber wrote:Now for a brief moment let us imagine that one of our parents ( or in case if you are parent , you would imagine this) , were a fagg0t , Would you or your offspring exist ?

.... hmmm... quite a conundrum

Gee Zubber, did I suggest you move to an island? I probably should have said cave. I understand there are plenty to be had in Afghanistan. :lol:
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Re: CID To Arrest Women Who Dress Like Men Jun 02, 2011
Hey as long as my exit hole stays an exit hole and does not become a entry hole. I'm all good. Couldn't care less what others get up to. Talking about Afganistan and homosexuality reminds me of a joke

There was once this American who moved to Afganistan. The people there were curious and asked why have you moved to this war torn country, You have such a beautiful country with all the luxuries you'll ever need, and he replied.

At first in my country homosexuality was illegal
Then it became legal
Then after a while it became a crime to hate homosexuality
Now I fear that they might make it compulsory so I fled !
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Re: CID to arrest women who dress like men Jun 02, 2011
Herve, how did you enter India without travel documents?

Just curious
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Re: CID To Arrest Women Who Dress Like Men Jun 02, 2011
Ah ! we live in a world gone mad , this armaggedon thing needs to happen , And fast , !
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Re: CID to arrest women who dress like men Jun 02, 2011
KeithL wrote:Herve, how did you enter India without travel documents?

Just curious

It s a bit off topic, but.....
2 00 am, moonless night, I entered Territorial waters tail gating a Cargo ship, no one could see me, sight or radar, then when I got closer I separated from the cargo and entered the Gateway of India marina like a tourist. Beautiful sighting btw.
next day i declared that i lost my passport at see during an emergency, fire and flooding (which i did not stage, it was a crappy boat), that also justified my entry to India without visa.
However Indian authorities could not figure out how nobody (Navy, Police, Immigration, Coast Guards) spotted me entering India waters.
I told them, i did not know, i just sailed in.
Obviously I did not tell them I was a former covert operative and that I escaped from Dubai.
it took 10 days to clear up the administrative mess and issuance of a new passport.
I had a nice stay, I recommend Mumbai, it s worth a trip.

-- Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:59 pm --

zubber wrote:Ah ! we live in a world gone mad , this armaggedon thing needs to happen , And fast , !

And you actually think Arabs are going to win? :D
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Re: CID To Arrest Women Who Dress Like Men Jun 02, 2011
zubber wrote:filth

You must be gay, if you think this is filth :lol: :


multiple marriages of the father and sexual assaults or harassment also contributed, Dr Ibrahim said.

According to Islamic tradition, it is forbidden for men and women to act like the opposite sex. Such behaviour is considered a deviance from God's plan and from nature

Something doesnot sound right.

Boyat often wear masculine attire under their the abaya and shayla in public

I take it the OP article applies to locals/Muslims only. How is Emarati Vice gonna check whats under the abaya?
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Re: CID to arrest women who dress like men Jun 02, 2011
herve wrote:
zubber wrote:Ah ! we live in a world gone mad , this armaggedon thing needs to happen , And fast , !

And you actually think Arabs are going to win? :D

Well Mr.Herve, winning and loosing is not in the hands of any human :), but relies on the same source from where matter was first synthesized :mrgreen:

-- Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:24 pm --

Flying Dutchman wrote:
zubber wrote:filth

You must be gay, if you think this is filth :lol: :

Oh, it is the epitomy of everything that is wrong in the 21st century :mrgreen:
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Re: CID To Arrest Women Who Dress Like Men Jun 03, 2011
zubber wrote:AS i said once before , the faggots need their own nation, or their own planet , there they may practice whatever they wish in peace. This way in a matter of 50 to 60 years , the earth will be rid of such filth

Usually people who speak with that much hatred of are so angry because they feel threatened. They feel threatened because they have experienced s.ex.ual confusion. Some are actual h.omo.sexuals and some are and it scares the crap out of them that they don't feel 100% hete.ero.sexual. I saw a talk from a guy who hated and bullied hom.ose.xuals, was married with kids... he turned out to be ga.y and left his family and is now with a long-time male partner and still remains an involved and good father to his kids.
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Re: CID To Arrest Women Who Dress Like Men Jun 03, 2011
I know my English is poor but they are talking about an awareness campaigns !! did I miss the arresting part ?
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Re: CID To Arrest Women Who Dress Like Men Jun 03, 2011
uaekid wrote:I know my English is poor but they are talking about an awareness campaigns !! did I miss the arresting part ?

C'mon Kid! This is DF, right? :D
Your English is a lot better than my Arabic!
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Re: CID To Arrest Women Who Dress Like Men Jun 03, 2011
kanelli wrote:Usually people who speak with that much hatred of are so angry because they feel threatened. They feel threatened because they have experienced s.ex.ual confusion. Some are actual h.omo.sexuals and some are and it scares the crap out of them that they don't feel 100% hete.ero.sexual. I saw a talk from a guy who hated and bullied hom.ose.xuals, was married with kids... he turned out to be ga.y and left his family and is now with a long-time male partner and still remains an involved and good father to his kids.

These are interesting and somewhat valid opinions
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Re: CID to arrest women who dress like men Jun 03, 2011
herve wrote:
KeithL wrote:Herve, how did you enter India without travel documents?

Just curious

It s a bit off topic, but.....
2 00 am, moonless night, I entered Territorial waters tail gating a Cargo ship, no one could see me, sight or radar, then when I got closer I separated from the cargo and entered the Gateway of India marina like a tourist. Beautiful sighting btw.
next day i declared that i lost my passport at see during an emergency, fire and flooding (which i did not stage, it was a crappy boat), that also justified my entry to India without visa.
However Indian authorities could not figure out how nobody (Navy, Police, Immigration, Coast Guards) spotted me entering India waters.
I told them, i did not know, i just sailed in.
Obviously I did not tell them I was a former covert operative and that I escaped from Dubai.
it took 10 days to clear up the administrative mess and issuance of a new passport.
I had a nice stay, I recommend Mumbai, it s worth a trip.

I bet you were on pins for those 10 days. Was the American embassy helpful?

Lucky you were'nt suspected of being a terrorist or something
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Re: CID to arrest women who dress like men Jun 03, 2011
KeithL wrote:I bet you were on pins for those 10 days. Was the American embassy helpful?

Lucky you were'nt suspected of being a terrorist or something

You need to read the book! It's well worth a read. :D
If you are in Dubai, you won't be able to buy it as it is banned but you can download it. I'm sure Herve will post the link.

-- Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:51 pm --

zubber wrote:
kanelli wrote:Usually people who speak with that much hatred of are so angry because they feel threatened. They feel threatened because they have experienced s.ex.ual confusion. Some are actual h.omo.sexuals and some are and it scares the crap out of them that they don't feel 100% hete.ero.sexual. I saw a talk from a guy who hated and bullied hom.ose.xuals, was married with kids... he turned out to be ga.y and left his family and is now with a long-time male partner and still remains an involved and good father to his kids.

These are interesting and somewhat valid opinions

Zubber, are you a closet queer?
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Re: CID to arrest women who dress like men Jun 03, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Zubber, are you a closet queer?

Their are mostly clothes in the closest, I dont have those large walkin type ones , which the rich folk have
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