Chocoholic wrote:Well seeing as I can only gauge what goes on the the UK by the press, what am I supposed to think? Although many friends living there say it's got too much.
So ok then are you allowed nativities and christmas carolers etc in stores and whatnot in the UK? Can you still say Merry christmas on greetings cards or has that changed? Just askimng, don't spit the dummy.
Yes Chocs, we still have Nativity plays in the local junior schools, when the kids dress up as Joseph and Mary and the ginger one gets dressed up as the donkey. We have the village OAP's gathering on the first Tuesday in December and they make their way around the village, all snuggled up in their best hats and scarves singing carols and collecting for Feed The world. (Thank God I live in the middle of nowhere and their zimmer frames wouldn't make it down my lane.)
And yes, there is a nice variety of Christmas cards available in the shops, all proclaiming that it will be the Merriest Christmas ever!
Personally I buy my cards from the Tourist Information Office, they are charity cards in support of SSAFA.
The Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (SSAFA) do wonderful things for our ex Forces people and I'd rather a few pence of my money went to them than WH Smiths.
Oh and I nearly forgot! I'm on the look out for Barley wine to put in my Christmas pudding. It seems to be as rare as rocking horse poo this year!