Chocs! You're At It Again!

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Chocs! You're At It Again! Sep 20, 2011
Would you Adam and Eve it! She’s at it again!

I thought it was too good to be true. You reappeared after your big speech to say you were exiting DF (again) and you’ve been keeping a low profile. Or so I thought.
Hell no! Apparently not! A little bird tells me you’ve been lurking about behind the scenes sending PM’s about me. :shock:
How very amusing that you chose one of my very best friends to contact and tell him he shouldn’t support me. LOL. That wasn’t your best move now was it?

What did he say in his reply? Do tell! :D

Is that where you do your best work Chocs? Trying to rally support by PM against others on the forum? Do you never learn?
Tut, tut.

Tell me Chocs? How many faces have you got going on, on DF and expatwoman at the moment? How ever do you remember all your usernames and passwords? Have you got them on a spreadsheet or something?

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Re: Chocs! You're At It Again! Sep 20, 2011
now this should be entertaining
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Re: Chocs! You're At It Again! Sep 20, 2011
Normal people in your age are expected to be busy with their family, but due to your wicked behaviour you even turned your own family into enemies! You're just desperate,

Bravo, keep on making more enemies, you are already on the "worst than EH" list :D
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Re: Chocs! You're At It Again! Sep 20, 2011
symmetric wrote:Normal people in your age are expected to be busy with their family, but due to your wicked behaviour you even turned your own family into enemies! You're just desperate,

Bravo, keep on making more enemies, you are already on the "worst than EH" list :D

Good try Sweetie! Aren't you wanted in Politics crying Death to All Jews?

What's up with EH? I did hear that you aren't at all impressed with his posts :wink:

I see you haven't taken the advice offered to you :D
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Re: Chocs! You're At It Again! Sep 20, 2011
Advice: Go apologize to your son in law and daughter, & neglect your hatred, instead of picking a fight wirh Chocs :D
That's a better advice than your non sense 8)
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Re: Chocs! You're At It Again! Sep 20, 2011
symmetric wrote:Advice: Go apologize to your son in law and daughter, & neglect your hatred, instead of picking a fight wirh Chocs :D
That's a better advice than your non sense 8)

Apologise for what sweetie :? It is my daughters controlling Muslim husband that will not allow her any contact with anyone. Tell me? Is this the norm for Muslim husbands of white women? Are they frightened that their wives will see the light and go for freedom again?

I didn't pick a fight with Chocs! She has been sending unwelcome PMs to my very good friend :shock: She's not the only one either, is she Sym? :D
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Re: Chocs! You're At It Again! Sep 20, 2011
That's what U think - - just U :D
Can't you just accept the fact your "daughter" got fed up of your filthy & hateful behaviour ;)
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Re: Chocs! You're At It Again! Sep 20, 2011
symmetric wrote:That's what U think - - just U :D
Can't you just accept the fact your "daughter" got fed up of your filthy & hateful behaviour ;)

You're quite wrong sweetie :D But you carry on thinking your depraved thoughts. You're doing your religion proud! Keep up the good work :D

I see nobody is joining in with your anti-semitic posts on Politics. Getting lonely over there is it :lol:
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Re: Chocs! You're At It Again! Sep 20, 2011
wow, you have experience with hacking as well BM, you hacked Choco PC, even more seems you hacked all the sites she is registered at! or do you have accounts on them too! so why blaming her?

shall I copy your reply from other thread to save you time? or will u bring something new!
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Re: Chocs! You're At It Again! Sep 20, 2011
That's exactly what I'm trying to explain here, she is abnormal, instead of taking care of her "family", she's busy intruding into others business :D - -

God knows the torture she's living having to be absolutely ignored by others :lol:
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Re: Chocs! You're At It Again! Sep 20, 2011
Just another thread to wind up people, nothing but pathetic and sadistic to say the very least. Must lead an extremely boring and mundane life to get ones giggles from winding up people on an online forum. Guess even the sheep are bored and wont play anymore and no more cucumbers left in the fridge either !
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Re: Chocs! You're At It Again! Sep 20, 2011
Mahmoud04 wrote:wow, you have experience with hacking as well BM, you hacked Choco PC, even more seems you hacked all the sites she is registered at! or do you have accounts on them too! so why blaming her?

shall I copy your reply from other thread to save you time? or will u bring something new!

What are you on about, you're speaking mumbo jumbo again Mahmoud. :drunken:

-- Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:04 pm --

symmetric wrote:That's exactly what I'm trying to explain here, she is abnormal, instead of taking care of her "family", she's busy intruding into others business :D - -

God knows the torture she's living having to be absolutely ignored by others :lol:

Sweetie! Women in the UK don't sit at home looking after their families in the West. We have brains and work for a living :D My family is well taken care of, I can assure you. My beautiful Beth will be at home now doing her homework and looking forward to me getting home when she will tell me about all the BBM's she had had from her Arab admirers in Dubai and the surrounding Emirates. They do like the European girls, don't they Sym? :P

I wasn't intruding into others business Sym. My friend cared to share the contents of his PM box yesterday :D
You're a silly boy Sym! Stop throwing your dummy out of the pram because you don't like what others write.
You're not in charge here you know :lol:

-- Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:07 pm --

desertdudeshj wrote:Just another thread to wind up people, nothing but pathetic and sadistic to say the very least. Must lead an extremely boring and mundane life to get ones giggles from winding up people on an online forum. Guess even the sheep are bored and wont play anymore and no more cucumbers left in the fridge either !

I see you still fantasise about me and cucumbers munchkin :D
It's not my fault if I can wind you up.
As for Chocs, well if she chooses to sneak about behind the scenes and then pretend to be another poster, well she's the sad one, isn't she?
Did she PM you too? :o
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Re: Chocs! You're At It Again! Sep 20, 2011
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Re: Chocs! You're At It Again! Sep 21, 2011
I always know when you are stuck for words munchkin, you resort to youtube and pictures.

Do you join me in condemning Chocs for sending PMs to people's friends in effort to gain support?
Gosh it must be catching! I'm sounding like a Muslim. :D Repeat repeat repeat.
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Re: Chocs! You're At It Again! Sep 21, 2011
Ok, so you're jealous from Muslims, and from Chocs :D
Also, you're pissed off from DDS who knows how to hit you in the core :lol:
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Re: Chocs! You're At It Again! Sep 21, 2011

What would the do without you...funny stuff...
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Re: Chocs! You're At It Again! Sep 21, 2011
symmetric wrote:Ok, so you're jealous from Muslims, and from Chocs :D
Also, you're pissed off from DDS who knows how to hit you in the core :lol:

Moi! Jealous? I don't have a jealous bone in my body Sym, but if I had I would be jealous of Victoria Beckham and certainly not Muslims or Chocs! That would be too funny :lol:

The word you are looking for is 'by' sweetie. Pissed of 'by' DDS, not from. And no, my little munchkin never pisses me off! Why, I look forward to his contribution, I'm always up for a laugh :D

You didn't join me in condemning Chocs PMing people about others Sym. Oh damn, I forgot, you wouldn't would you because you've been doing it yourself! How's the plan coming along? You know the one to get DF shut down because you don't like what people write? :drunken:

-- Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:33 pm --

Ambassador wrote:BM,

What would the do without you...funny stuff...

Make the most of it Ambassador :cry:
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Re: Chocs! You're At It Again! Sep 21, 2011
This is how things function here 8) - -
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Re: Chocs! You're At It Again! Sep 21, 2011
symmetric wrote:This is how things function here 8) - -

Here as in DF or Dubai?

You need to broaden your horizons a bit Sym. You're a very small fish in a very big world. You won't be able to bully your way out of every situation all of your life.
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Re: Chocs! You're At It Again! Sep 21, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
symmetric wrote:This is how things function here 8) - -

Here as in DF or Dubai?

You need to broaden your horizons a bit Sym. You're a very small fish in a very big world. You won't be able to bully your way out of every situation all of your life.

You can say that again...he would be swatted in a nano second!
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Re: Chocs! You're At It Again! Sep 21, 2011
This is the situation in the entire GCC - - Again, live with it 8)
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Re: Chocs! You're At It Again! Sep 21, 2011
your mini-fights in DGC is starting to get old guys. why not take it in the fight club?

instead of discussing issues/problems happening in dubai, the threads mostly end up/start in silly arguments with all the trolling. :oops: :shock:
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Re: Chocs! You're At It Again! Sep 21, 2011
symmetric wrote:This is the situation in the entire GCC - - Again, live with it 8)

What situation are you refering to Sym? That the word of a local is law, end of? There may be a day, one day, when you have a problem that won't be fixed by being a local. How will you deal with that? When you can't bully your way out of things?
Do you have a small penis?

-- Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:36 pm --

xero_ wrote:your mini-fights in DGC is starting to get old guys. why not take it in the fight club?

instead of discussing issues/problems happening in dubai, the threads mostly end up/start in silly arguments with all the trolling. :oops: :shock:

I quite agree xero, but it seems it's the only time DF comes alive these days. Anyways if Sym gets his way there won't be a DF for much longer. That's one way of spitting your dummy out I suppose.
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