Cheetah In Abu Dhabi Streets...

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Cheetah in Abu Dhabi streets... May 30, 2011
apparently they found a cheetah roaming the streets of Abu Dhabi...injured, broken paw, etc.

Hopefully they'll find the idiot who kept it and break his paws

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Re: Cheetah in Abu Dhabi streets... May 30, 2011
Saw that, although it wasn't clear if it escaped from a wildlife sanctuary. More than likely some fool had it as a pet and let it out - wouldn't be the first time.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Cheetah In Abu Dhabi Streets... May 30, 2011
I can't believe it is legal for anyone besides a zoo or wildlife sanctuary to keep such animals. Hopefully the animal will recover and find a good home.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Cheetah in Abu Dhabi streets... May 30, 2011
It isn't unusual for locals to have exotic pets. Beth's little friend has 3 tiger (or is it Cheetah?) cubs as pets. He says he will just put them in the zoo when they get too big.
Years ago I saw a local walking his Cheetah along the beach and not long ago I saw one in the back seat of a car when I was crossing the road on the Walk.

People in England have unsuitable animals too.
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Re: Cheetah In Abu Dhabi Streets... May 30, 2011
It may not be unusual, but it is unethical. There is a reason why some animals don't make good pets, and people should pay attention to that instead of their own selfish whims to own one because they want one or because they get some sort of status for having them.
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Re: Cheetah in Abu Dhabi streets... May 30, 2011
Big cats and other such animals belong in the wild! No question! You can't keep an animal that requires hundreds of kilometers of roaming area in a villa!

And I agree with K, people who would have such creatures 'because they can' are completely selfish. Not to mention that many of those that have them, do so illegally! The majority of big cats will be on the CITES and endangered lists. Most will have been smuggled in. Note the story recently where a man was picked up in Thailand, bound for the UAE with about 6 illegal animals drugged and stuffed in suitcases!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Cheetah in Abu Dhabi streets... May 30, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:Big cats and other such animals belong in the wild! No question! You can't keep an animal that requires hundreds of kilometers of roaming area in a villa!

And I agree with K, people who would have such creatures 'because they can' are completely selfish. Not to mention that many of those that have them, do so illegally! The majority of big cats will be on the CITES and endangered lists. Most will have been smuggled in. Note the story recently where a man was picked up in Thailand, bound for the UAE with about 6 illegal animals drugged and stuffed in suitcases!

Keep your wig on Chocs, I didn't say it was right but it happens.
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Re: Cheetah In Abu Dhabi Streets... May 30, 2011
Wonder how long till they find a roaming grizzly bear
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Re: Cheetah In Abu Dhabi Streets... May 30, 2011
I knew Chococock would have heard of it first. She always has something great to add, something more that you. Maybe she'll start to learn something rather than telling everyone how she already knew. Is there anything she doesn't know? Chocs we are so very lucky luck lucky to have you here to tell us and give so much insight into the place the place we all live in. Wow.
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Re: Cheetah In Abu Dhabi Streets... May 30, 2011
^^ ??? ,

Ms Smokedawg , try this I hear its more effective --

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Re: Cheetah In Abu Dhabi Streets... May 31, 2011
I shoot yaba straight, thanks.
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Re: Cheetah in Abu Dhabi streets... May 31, 2011
Was reading an update on this story, apparently the poor animal had a chain around it's neck weighing a kilo, a fractured paw and had been declawed. The authorities are trying to hunt down the owner as owning these animals is illegal.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Cheetah In Abu Dhabi Streets... Jun 01, 2011
Did they check the cheetah's stomach contents? Hopefully they'll find the owner there. ;)
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Cheetah In Abu Dhabi Streets... Jun 01, 2011
kanelli wrote:Did they check the cheetah's stomach contents? Hopefully they'll find the owner there. ;)

LOL - apparently the owner was taking it to the vet. Now here's the thing, obviously the vet treating the animal was also acting illegally by not reporting it either.
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Re: Cheetah In Abu Dhabi Streets... Jun 01, 2011
My vet on beach rd treated the Sheikh's baby cheetahs. I was in the waiting room and saw the doc and nurse go by holding one each.
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Re: Cheetah in Abu Dhabi streets... Jun 01, 2011
And this doesn't help - well done the Thai police NOT: ... and-police
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Cheetah In Abu Dhabi Streets... Jun 01, 2011
how dare the Thais detain an honorable man? He had the right to go where he wants, he is just a businessman for exotic animals, too bad the Thais dont understand business
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Re: Cheetah In Abu Dhabi Streets... Jun 01, 2011
BlackburnRovers wrote:how dare the Thais detain an honorable man? He had the right to go where he wants, he is just a businessman for exotic animals, too bad the Thais dont understand business

LOL - cheeky bugger though.
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