"Cheap Women" In UAE

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"Cheap women" in UAE Jan 04, 2018
Huh, here we are!

I posted something on government's forum, and I am not sure that it will be published at all, so I want to write it here.

Nobody replies here as well, but at last I can publish it.

Indeed I have a problem with some women of UAE. They are racists. They think that all white women are sluts who came to steal their husbands and sons.

They talk between themselves, and sometimes tell us as well, that their males marry women from our countries (Europe, north Asia) just to play because we are cheap women.

Seriously!!? How can one muslim woman say to another muslim woman that she is cheap?

Some women of UAE think that they are expensive women because they ask for big mahr! Like; thousands of hundreds.
But hello, that's not expensive in eyes of all women of the world. That is cheap for some. It is as if you put price for yourself and those who can afford you they buy you.
As for us we marry for love. We don't ask for money but for loyalty and true love. Is it our problem that you raised men who play with women? Who have such week iman and no adab with dealing with foreign women?

How they can respect me as a white Muslim if you teach them that all whites are sluts?? Do you know that if you accuse innocent believer that you might finish in Jahanam?? Why it is so easy to say "cheap woman" to your sister in Islam, just because she is white and stranger in your country?

Hallo, it is not my fault, but fault of your sons who works in Government that many bad white women can exist in UAE.
I didn't allow them to be a part of your male's parties. Stop being enemy to all white women just because you didn't properly rise your own sons.

And I am not enemy to any Emirati women. I know that you feel sad and bad because your males run after white women. And some white women (mostly non-muslims - as for us muslims is haram to do zina or to walk toward it), indeed try to get your husbands. But hello, not me, not my sisters who happened to be white!!

If you think that I am cheap just because I don't ask big mahr but true love, if you think that I am cheap because I am white and non-Arab, then lady why do you spend all your mahr trying to make yourself white-skinned. Why do you luck Vitamin D and don't show yourself to the Sun ever, just to be as pale as possible.
What is that in you that makes you contradictory to yourself and that you see white cheap and at the same time want to be white. That will make you crazy! Stop it. Our ummah need stable strong women who will not be afraid of sluts and will not accuse their sisters just because of their fears and depression.

Let's just be friends. Leave racism, leave fears, become strong, be yourself. Don't be afraid of the Sun, it helps your health, don't hide your daughters indoor and stop them from activities and life just because you want them be as pale as possible to marry easier.
Don't you see that you are those who teach your males to love white. Btw to tell you secret: our males are dying for women like you with darker skin, dark big eyes and exotic faces of no big proud noses and high chins.

You see even thou we are not pretending to be dark, to make our eyes bigger, to cut our big noses. We are confident. Even with our thin pale hair. We do not try to put your black rich curls on our heads and walk around as Cleopatras.

I wish you to grow, to overcome your fears, to be more open to others, to stop accusing women of other nations when they are maybe purer then you, just because you see other bad women, of no faith, who run after your husbands.
Don't let them win.

Make a change. But start form yourself. Be proud of who you are, respect others for whom they are and don't judge them for skin colours or for being ajnabiyas!

I will teach my sons to respect women, to respect daughters of yours and never to harm them. I don't care what colour of skin your daughter have, but my sons will have to think of them as queens.
Also you teach your sons to respect my daughter and to see her valuable as a person, as a mu'min, regardless of skin colour.
That is just for overcoming same problems in future generations. They don't have to live your fears, they don't have to have your thoughts, they can be free and strong, confident and proud for who they are and for what they are.

And ask your government to change a little their mood regarding laws. It should be little more protective to you and your children. It is your right!!! Your right is to ask your government to make you more safe and more confident so that you don't earn Jahannam by blaming innocent women for being cheap just because they are white.

if I had your government and your country I would for sure ask for that. How lucky you are to be citizens of UAE where your government helps you in everything and answers all your calls. Why don't you use that!!!
Why to live in fear when you can live as queens. Our religion gave you rights, your government gives you rights...and after all you live in fear and agony...
I wish you wake up, and show your power, and rule over your males. I know you all can do that. I believe in you. Teach them to respect you, to respect other women and to spend their energy on building the country, instead of ruining their families and hearts of their females by running after other races.

Life is short. Run after Jannah. Together is easier. Much easier then to run with enemies all around.

Happy NEW Year indeed.

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Re: "Cheap Women" In UAE Jan 05, 2018
Still I feel bad for words of some women and for their thoughts (that they shared with me). I want to take this out of me - to move on.
Here I am addressing all women who think ill and evil of other women, and specially for some UAE women who think ill of foreigner women:

Your own rulers invited world to come to UAE, to live here and work and exchange cultures. So we are here. All sorts of women. International village.

Sorry if you don't find yourself anymore the-prettiest-girl-in-the-willage. It is not our fault. But you can move on. You can change. You need to. World can't stop for you and turn back to make you happy.

You tried. I know you did. But wrong!!! You tried to become someone else. To bleach your skin....

But why don't you see that your country's agendas are not to make the most beautiful nation on Earth, nor to make the country of whitest and prettiest women...

They are headed totally different ways. Towards smartness, brightness, success, economic prosperity, happiness...

Why don't you simply follow them. Invest in yourself (knowledge and skills), invest in your children. You have just to invest your TIME because your country is already paying everything for them: free sports, free schools, free activities, free youth centres....

Why don't your formula for happiness from "my white skin + my husband = happiness" turns into "smartest me + my husband = geniuses".

If you see your value only in comparing yourself physically in other women then no way you can ever be happy. And no way world is going to stop for you. Sorry.

You should compare your achievements to those of other women. Your children's achievements to achievements of children of other nations. See Indians for example. They are toppers "for UAE" in almost everything. What a shame on your bleached skin mother!

And don't blame time for everything. Don't just say 'it is time now like that'. It is not the time!! When you focus on your skin and nails, and bring young helpers into your homes, and leave your children to spend time and days with uneducated maids and add to that your laziness to exercise and lots of food, then you get results of 'woman who hates other women and blame strangers for everything evil at home".

Way to happiness is easy. if you can't be pretties then be the smartest, if you can't be the smartest be the most skilful, if you can't be the most skilful then be the most eager to learn, to embrace, to face, to discover, to tolerate, to share...
Make your males believe that no woman can be as flexible as you, as quick learner, as more surprising, as exciting...
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Oct 18, 2018
Hey Shamoosa,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, I really now curious to see how an Emirati woman looks like, would like to share with me a photo of a one of them, like those who tries hard to become a white woman. Thank you
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Re: "Cheap Women" In UAE Dec 08, 2018
Well, go to ladies salons and watch yourself treatments "whitening skin", whitening face masks, whitening creams etc. I have nothing against Arab women, I have against thinking of some of them that white women are cheap. All of us white women!! And I don't have anything against women wanting to be fair or white, I have against double standards of treating women as such. Those who are whitening will be "ladies" and those who are born white will be"cheap". LOL
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Dec 08, 2018
I see, any way skin color got nothing to do with being a cheap one or not, and who cares in the end, everyone must mind his/her own business and stop those useless side talks.
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Re: "Cheap Women" In UAE Dec 08, 2018
Yes, but it hurts when dear person to you (your friend that you love) tells you how males marry people from my country because we are all cheap. Then you get hurt, why somebody who sees you moral and respectful calls you cheap just because there are some other females in this world who are not like that. Generalizations are never good. Specially if deer persons generalize and put you in the same group as everyone else. That hurts man!
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Dec 08, 2018
How cheap? Do you mean the 'maher'?
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Re: "Cheap Women" In UAE Dec 08, 2018
I don't mean anything. For me there is no such a think as cheap woman. All women are worth love and respect. No matter what whom they marry or how they look. But some Arab women mean that other females are cheap because they get married to Arabs (probably they think reason is "cheap" mahr). As if they don't know words of Prophet s.w.s. regarding mahr.
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Dec 08, 2018
Who cares about how much a man paid to marry a woman, just those women who have a price tag like goods and products, the marriage is a holy institution, if there's love and respect between the partners then it's a priceless relationship. Just ignore what others talk about, have faith in yourself and move on, not every word said you need to stop by to analyse. We live in a chaos already, "People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason why the world is in chaos, is because things are being loved and people are being used." -
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Re: "Cheap Women" In UAE Dec 09, 2018
Thanks. But I don't agree with you. I see UAE as very organized country. It is not chaos at all. Just if all people follow the law and leaders we will be able to spread tolerance and happiness elsewhere.

But problem is in the people! They simply don't follow. Acting arrogant and saying hurting words to their international friends. Leaders make UAE passport Nr. 1 in the world mashaallah, but are citizens able to be Nr. 1 nation in hearts of all other people?
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Dec 09, 2018
Peoples will be peoples no matter what language they speak or what color they have, peoples like to be racist to feel safe together and to overcome their insecurities. Happens everywhere, not just with Arabs. E.g. Peoples of Syrians refugees got attacked by some locals Europeans. Having a strong passports got nothing to do with peoples daily life. Have a nice day!
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