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CHANGE YOUR SHOES initiative Nov 22, 2023
I can’t sleep tonight as I couldn’t many nights before since latest wart in Gaza started.
At some early hours I wake up and can’t sleep anymore.

This is not only war on Gaza but a psychological war on the world.
Did you see ever before such war details from hour to hour on media as now?
It seems that purposely they are showing us scared and shivering babies, mutilated bodies etc.
Normal being would have a first reaction to hug and protect the child until it is calmed down.
What we now see is that the most important thing for some people is to record traumatized and in pain children.

Why they are doing it? Why they let wounded child lie down in pain whyle recording? Where is human touch to that poor little soul. Touch of protection and warmth….

I saw a video where a man said that all children and women will have to die in a hospital because terrorists will bomb them.
And I noticed that the man did not say we will all die here as if he already knew that he will flee and hide before bombing happens. It seems to me that kids and women are being sacrificed. But for what?

If we turn away from this happenings and we do not care our iman burns away. And if we do care but feel helpless our mental health burns. It came time that Prophet s.w.s. announced:

Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “A time of patience will come to people in which adhering to one’s religion is like grasping a hot coal.”

You will see now, if you observe it, that in muslim households will start more violence these days. Many souls will crash. People do not know how to deal with this mental bombardings.
We all want to help those poor children but we are unable and we do not know how to stop the war.

I got an idea: we all CHANGE OUR SHOES and wear it with intention to prepare ourselves for help to children of Gaza if we get any chance!
By that we are changing our consciousness. And maybe because of our intention to help any way we could, Allah would send an angel for each child to protect it.

Imagine if all politicians change their shoes with intention to help, they could then be inspired by God to find a way to stop the war. If all childless people, who are still mentally fine, change their shoes with intention to help maybe God will give them a way to adopt and orphan from Gaza. And for every of us maybe God opens ways to help in some way; either by sending water and food and medical supplies, clothes and warm beddings etc. We already did but maybe we will be able to do more in future.
We have to do all we can to protect those little souls. And we have to have intention to do more and not to turn away.

Allah s.w.t. said in Qur’an:
“O you who have believed, what is [the matter] with you that, when you are told to go forth in the cause of Allah , you adhere heavily to the earth? Are you satisfied with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? But what is the enjoyment of worldly life compared to the Hereafter except a [very] little.” (9:38)

We have to remove this adherance to the earth and make ourselves ready to help. If we do that Allah will give us a way.

As He also said: 
“And if they had intended to go forth, they would have prepared for it [some] preparation. But Allah disliked their being sent, so He kept them back, and they were told, "Remain [behind] with those who remain." (9:46)

We can’t prepare much, but at least we can change our shoes to show our readiness for help. It is then up to God to enable us. But we will not be helpless anymore. Our consciousness will change and we will get some mental peace.

This time is so hard. A time of patience indeed.

I shared already my idea with some individuals and asked them to share it on their social media for more people to hear it and accept if they find it helpful. Some people made it to sound military on purpose accusing me of terrorism :D
All I can tell them that if all terrorist in the world were like me, we would have a global peace and nobody will ever suffer.

People just do not want to understand. They want more drama and more action, as if this world is not giving us enough of it already.

My shoes are ordered and I am waiting delivery. Every my step will be a sign of my readiness and my intention to help children inshallah. I put my trust in God that He will find a way and enable me to help innocent kids, or that He will protect them on my behalf with His angels. He can protoect them if He can alone, but He wants us humans to be empathetic and help each other.
He make us accountable for ourselves and each other. We are all being tested who will do more good.

I must say that I am proud on UAE leaders and people as they always find a way to help first and to reach where nobody else can. Because they are always ready to help, that is why God opens ways for them. Those who are not ready Allah makes them remain with those who remain.
Do we want to be remainers forever???

If not; then CHANGE OUR SHOES! 

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