Be Careful What You Ask For..............

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Be careful what you ask for.............. Sep 09, 2011 may get more than you hoped for. ... d-1.862963

Dubai: A Bangladeshi housemaid, who allegedly cut her 77-year-old Emirati sponsor's penis after he asked for a massage, will stand trial on Thursday.

"She has been referred to the Dubai Court of First Instance and her trial starts today (Thursday). She has been referred to the criminal court because her accusation is assault that led to permanent disability," a source close to the case told Gulf News on Wednesday.

"Had she been charged with assaulting and injuring the victim without causing him any disfigurement or disability, she would have been referred to the Misdemeanors Court," the source said.

"During police questioning, the woman claimed that she chopped her sponsor's penis because she was fed up with his continuous sexual harassment…," the source said.

A senior prosecution source told Gulf News that the woman was recently granted bail after spending several weeks in provisional detention.

According to the charge sheet, prosecutors allege the housemaid used a sharp tool to cut the Emirati's penis leaving him permanently disabled. The injury required more than 20 days' sick leave.

Police records said the man was rushed to hospital following the assault.

The Emirati man, who resides in Deira, bled severely when he was rushed to hospital.

The man had underwent an urgent surgery where doctors at a public hospital reattached his appendage.

According to primary interrogations the defendant was mainly hired to take care of the man.

During questioning she claimed that she used a knife to cut off her employer's penis as he had been allegedly sexually harassing her for many days.

According to the Penal Code, a suspect, who assaults someone and deliberately causes the victim a permanent disability, could face up to seven years in jail.

Police records said the Bangladeshi woman alleged that her employer had asked for a massage and had been harassing her.

She became angry and so she took a knife and attacked him.

I don't know why the Gulf printed two different stories. The paper has a much more entertaining version, saying that he had asked her to massage is gentials. She did and "at the right moment" took a razor to his penis, cut it off, it dropped to the floor, and she put it in the garbage. The man and his penis were rushed to the hospital for surgery and now the man and his penis have been reunited.

So now the guy has a disability. The only disability I can think of is that possibly he can't pee straight??? :drunken:

It seems that no one thought to ask the old man how she got to his penis, or what he was doing to make his penis so accessible??

Bora Bora
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Re: Be Careful What You Ask For.............. Sep 09, 2011
Timely warning about the relationship between massage and appendages! :wink:
DFers should be thankful for your bringing this to their attention! :lol:
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Re: Be careful what you ask for.............. Sep 09, 2011
A timely reminder that it's been a while since I was asked to massage anybody's genitals. :D
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Re: Be Careful What You Ask For.............. Sep 09, 2011
Apparently there's a position open if you are interested in massaging prunes and a weewee that's a bit wee smaller, and probably misses the target, than it was a month ago. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Be Careful What You Ask For.............. Sep 10, 2011
A Senior Citizens Annual Checkup:

Thought I'd let my doctor check me
Cause I didn't feel quite right;
All those aches and pains annoyed me
And I couldn't sleep at night;
He could find no real disorder
But he wouldn't let it rest,
What with Medicare and Extended
It wouldn't hurt to test.
So to the Hospital he sent me
Though I didnt feel that bad;
He arranged for them to give me
Every test that could be had.
Doctors came to check me over
Probed and pushed and poked around
Just to make sure I was breathing
Even wired me for sound.
Stretched nude on an ice-cold table,
My aging form displayed,
I was flouroscoped and cystoscoped
My gizzards were X rayed.
They carefully checked my heart and lungs
Gall bladder, all that crud,
While they pierced me with long needles
Taking samples of my blood.
There were cardiograms and ultrasound,
My temperature they took,
And then some specialist popped in
So he could have a look.
Now, they've come to this conclusion
Their results near filled a page,
What I've got will probably kill me,
My disease is called "OLD AGE".
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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