I Can't Stand Some People

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I can't stand some people Aug 23, 2017
I can't stand injustice and unjust people.

But heeeeeey there are people with reputation, who arepious, educated...greedy.

Well some own a school.....and in that school they aim to educate "the best students", so they have special methods like:

"Teachers; don't give to students mark A in some subject, to prepare them better for international examination in that subject". So all students have B and below. Students should struggle more to get an A at international examination...

Everywhere around that school advertises "scholarships" and all parents run to that school, hoping to get it. And all parents are willing to pay double price for schooling (as that school is double expensive then other schools), hoping to get scholarship for their kids.

But the point is that students need to have perfect marks to get scholarship ;) All A's.

Can you imagine, how sophisticated they are. Wow really smart. NOT.

And at the end of the year they offer to students "practice for examinations" for few thousand at some Educational Centre. kh kh

So as school is sophisticated so are teachers. One offers videos on his private website for 400 (currency) for his subject. Those students who pay have an A, and those who don't...sorry B ;)

And if you think that is all...well no. Some teachers say that they are under pressure to deliver almost all A grades or their salary will be cut. So to avoid pressure they just give to students A marks. Everyone happy; school administration, parents and students.

Does not matter if child can't even read in grade 1. No worries, there will be an A in report, as that school aims to highest levels. To be the top school in the country. To be the best. To close all other schools and take all children.
They have really big dreams. I mean greed.

If you think then why people are so stupid to send kids to such school. Well...it is not their fault, they all fell in traps.

School pays professional "manipulators and brain washers" to make professional advertises for them. You know such as "if you enrol your child here you will get all what any parents ever dreamed of".

Children will know all languages, as they are unique and teach languages like no one else. (maybe that explains all A's even if child doesn't know anything). Also they promise scholarships, moral environment....
Well they offer also money!! A lots of money. But wait...for who? For those who enrol in their after-school clubs. Means just give more and more money and you will get everything...but that everything you never reach...because at the end there is nothing. It is just more for them.
Their advertises attack brains, hearts, hopes, wishes, dreams...everything that people have...just to take their money.

People will not have a dinner but will give them last money from pocket just to "get that dream vacation, or to get scholarship for their kids...or, or..."

Well, such people will just be hungry for more days and struggle longer...because they will never be able to satisfy ambitious respectable people with their "little money", which is all they have.

I just want to cry and cry and cry.... How do we think to become successful ummah when our "leaders educators" are corrupted, greedy, unjust, opposite of morals that they talk about....where is end to "professional advertise" and where do real moral starts?
Why do we wrap everything with islam, morals, values... for our benefits. Aren't we GOOD people to whom Allah gives ability to separate good from evil? Why always walking on edge of permissible things stepping into "suspicious" things with one leg...

P.S. If some people recognise themselves in this IT IS NOT MY FAULT. I am not mentioning anyone in person, nor I mentioned anything that can offend any particular school in any way. (well I didn't name anyone). If you find yourself then fix things, as there will always be some sensitive people like me, who will talk, just because they can't keep pain in their souls from injustice, and disgust they feel towards greedy people. If you don't find yourself in my words but you think that I meant you...well just take it as my imagination. You know there are always crazy people around who don't have brain (to be brainwashed completely).

Happy Eid to everyone... parents prepare your kidneys for school fees...you know you will get Jannah at the end of the road :pale:

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