Can Girls Wear Thongs On Beach?

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Jun 01, 2006
and btw Liban , if u say that greece has nothing to do with civilisation than u r way out of base, sorry to say that! greece had a great contribution to "civilisation" and it's all back to history....and one more thing: the word CIVILISATION has ethimologically speaking the roots in tha latin language which brings it all back to EUrope!

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Jun 01, 2006
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Jun 01, 2006
Today's Greece is nothing like the Greece of years gone by. Today's Greece is an example of an EU charity basket. The EU has spent and currently spends billions to prop up this third world country. I have nothing against Greece. Its just a fact. Greece is third world, unlike other EU members such as UK, France, Germany, Italy, etc....

Romania, I never mentionned that little country. But Romania is definatly not a fully developped country. It is less developed than Greece and that by far. Romania's problems are deep rooted in poverty, education (lack of), and discrimination. All these apply to the mainly Roma population that suffers under Romanian laws. Romania has some ways to go.

These are facts. I am not attacking any one country because I frankly do not care about Greece or Romania to the point of having an issue with them since they are not world players and do not provide for an even minor blip on the radar.
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Jun 01, 2006
How come u guys can click on the thong link? i can't get in as the site is blocked.
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Jun 01, 2006
ruzz1 wrote:How come u guys can click on the thong link? i can't get in as the site is blocked.

I believe its blocked in Dubai, unless you live/work in a freezone.
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Jun 01, 2006
what is so undecent in that site, that they would want to block it??? :shock: its not p<3n, or anything of the a woman's body in a string enough to block a site???
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Jun 01, 2006
:violent1: :director:

That'll be my Greek boyfriend telling Liban exactly what he thinks of his comments regarding Greek civilisation.
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Jun 01, 2006
raidah wrote:what is so undecent in that site, that they would want to block it??? :shock: its not p<3n, or anything of the a woman's body in a string enough to block a site???

In a word - YES!!
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Jun 01, 2006
the_zooter wrote:
raidah wrote:what is so undecent in that site, that they would want to block it??? :shock: its not p<3n, or anything of the a woman's body in a string enough to block a site???

In a word - YES!!

I second it.
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Jun 02, 2006
Liban wrote:Today's Greece is nothing like the Greece of years gone by. Today's Greece is an example of an EU charity basket. The EU has spent and currently spends billions to prop up this third world country. I have nothing against Greece. Its just a fact. Greece is third world, unlike other EU members such as UK, France, Germany, Italy, etc....

Romania, I never mentionned that little country. But Romania is definatly not a fully developped country. It is less developed than Greece and that by far. Romania's problems are deep rooted in poverty, education (lack of), and discrimination. All these apply to the mainly Roma population that suffers under Romanian laws. Romania has some ways to go.

These are facts. I am not attacking any one country because I frankly do not care about Greece or Romania to the point of having an issue with them since they are not world players and do not provide for an even minor blip on the radar.

Liban u r so funny man....get ur eyes on a world map and chek romania, if it's a little country than lebanon is just an almost invisible dot on the map!
and what facts r u talking about???? u know nothing about romania, u talk only from what u heared! and if u the problem is education, tha lack of it , how u saied it, than tell me why most of the arabs sent their kids here to college? my city is the greatest universitary city in ROmania, the UMF college is one of the best in europe! UTC college has an impressive number of foreign students, mostly arabs!
and about poverty: as i stated before RO might not be the richest country in the world, but u wont see ppl using donkeys for sure: on the shit roads u can see poor ppl in ferarri, mercedes, bmw, rolls, maybach and so yeah u r right they must be sooooooooo poooor to afford to buy cars of hundred thousands dollars.
regarding the laws: i dare to say i know more than u do about romanian laws, and i will say that we have good laws but the problem is that ppl don't know to use their rights!
discrimination, well i that exists all arround the world, even the fully developed DUbai has problems with that! but it has never been a main problem here, the number of ppl that r discriminated against is not higher than other countries! :twisted:
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Jun 02, 2006
the_zooter wrote:Go EUROPE!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: 8)
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Jun 02, 2006
alexandra wrote:
Liban wrote:Today's Greece is nothing like the Greece of years gone by. Today's Greece is an example of an EU charity basket. The EU has spent and currently spends billions to prop up this third world country. I have nothing against Greece. Its just a fact. Greece is third world, unlike other EU members such as UK, France, Germany, Italy, etc....

Romania, I never mentionned that little country. But Romania is definatly not a fully developped country. It is less developed than Greece and that by far. Romania's problems are deep rooted in poverty, education (lack of), and discrimination. All these apply to the mainly Roma population that suffers under Romanian laws. Romania has some ways to go.

These are facts. I am not attacking any one country because I frankly do not care about Greece or Romania to the point of having an issue with them since they are not world players and do not provide for an even minor blip on the radar.

Liban u r so funny man....get ur eyes on a world map and chek romania, if it's a little country than lebanon is just an almost invisible dot on the map!
and what facts r u talking about???? u know nothing about romania, u talk only from what u heared! and if u the problem is education, tha lack of it , how u saied it, than tell me why most of the arabs sent their kids here to college? my city is the greatest universitary city in ROmania, the UMF college is one of the best in europe! UTC college has an impressive number of foreign students, mostly arabs!
and about poverty: as i stated before RO might not be the richest country in the world, but u wont see ppl using donkeys for sure: on the shit roads u can see poor ppl in ferarri, mercedes, bmw, rolls, maybach and so yeah u r right they must be sooooooooo poooor to afford to buy cars of hundred thousands dollars.
regarding the laws: i dare to say i know more than u do about romanian laws, and i will say that we have good laws but the problem is that ppl don't know to use their rights!
discrimination, well i that exists all arround the world, even the fully developed DUbai has problems with that! but it has never been a main problem here, the number of ppl that r discriminated against is not higher than other countries! :twisted:

from how i see u both r right and wrong regarding some aspects.
Liban surelly knows more about these countries, than so many ppl who can t tell the difference between bucharest and budapest. yet from what he said, his knowledge is superficial. but thats not the point.
yes, ur right Alex, one does not see donkeys carrying vegetable to the market, but would see crap horses do the same.
about education, yes, many r very much so undereducated, but they r mainly from the countryside. on the other hand, very few ppl know how many scientists, researchers, phisicians, etc. the world has from eastern europe. because here if u get in a good school and university, the amount of information u have to learn is brutal. and there is one more thing that comes handy for ppl from these countries. since the languages spoken here are not by far internationally used, specially younger generations if they want smthing from life, they start learning languages. not one, but 2 or 3. so generally speaking, the education around here is either very poor or very good.
and yes, the gypsy issue, is quite a big issue in all these countries.
now Liban, u were right, that comparing to western european countries, these ones are nowhere. still i have to say, that i few years ago they actually were a good example to follow, but not anymore, for the simple fact, that their economy stagnates. and all economical prognostication show that it will get worse.
on the other hand, eastern countries r getting themselves together after the communistic refuse left here, that kept them from moving further so far. also true, that they would not be able to develope without western money and help.

now about that donkey again, live it alone girl :P , im trying to get a vote of confidence to become the head of donkey community inquisition. so don t mess with my plans. :lol: :lol:
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Jun 02, 2006
i have nothing against donkeys.....animals have more brains than some ppl
so u go girl, i wont mess up ur plan! 8)
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Jun 02, 2006
alexandra wrote:i have nothing against donkeys.....animals have more brains than some ppl
so u go girl, i wont mess up ur plan! 8)

check the new members and help building up the donkey cult :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Jun 02, 2006
I am happy you are patriotic Alexandra but Romania has a LONNNG way to go and no matter what you say that is indisputable.
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Jun 02, 2006
Liban is not far off being totally correct in his assessment Alex.

rather than enter into debate regarding the economy, i would just like to post some hard facts published by the IMF that assessed the Romanian economy post your diversion from communisim in 1989 and again in 2003.

The agricultural economy and its employment outweighs its industial economy by 75%. However its GDP of Industry is 300% over agriculture.

This state of economy confirms the inbalance and shows the vast majority of the population are employed in argriculture and the income is minimal in compassison to its much smaller but profitable Industrial Economy.

Its current public debt is 25.3% of its GDP. Basically Alex romania is "broke".

The last figures to show true inflation levels was in 2004 running at 15.3% !!!!!!

i will paste the overall conclusion by the IMF

"The IMF Board approved Romania's completion of the standby agreement in October 2003, the first time Romania has successfully concluded an IMF agreement since the 1989 revolution. Nonetheless, recent macroeconomic gains have done little to address Romania's widespread poverty, while corruption and red tape hinder foreign investment.

Like Liban states we admire your patriotism Alex. But sadly it has to be accepted that Romania is on the verge of being considered " a third world country". The actuallity of your post is far off the reality.
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Jun 02, 2006
15.3% inflation!!! That's almost as high as Dubai!!!
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Jun 02, 2006
It was the last "true" inflation level audited by the IMF G - the word on the street is the reality is now closr to 35-40% possibly higher. The problem is getting through the corruption and official records/accounts/documents being altered, faked and forging within the government itself and has links to the large Crime Syndicates.

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Jun 02, 2006
arniegang wrote:Liban is not far off being totally correct in his assessment Alex.

rather than enter into debate regarding the economy, i would just like to post some hard facts published by the IMF that assessed the Romanian economy post your diversion from communisim in 1989 and again in 2003.

The agricultural economy and its employment outweighs its industial economy by 75%. However its GDP of Industry is 300% over agriculture.

This state of economy confirms the inbalance and shows the vast majority of the population are employed in argriculture and the income is minimal in compassison to its much smaller but profitable Industrial Economy.

Its current public debt is 25.3% of its GDP. Basically Alex romania is "broke".

The last figures to show true inflation levels was in 2004 running at 15.3% !!!!!!

i will paste the overall conclusion by the IMF

"The IMF Board approved Romania's completion of the standby agreement in October 2003, the first time Romania has successfully concluded an IMF agreement since the 1989 revolution. Nonetheless, recent macroeconomic gains have done little to address Romania's widespread poverty, while corruption and red tape hinder foreign investment.

Like Liban states we admire your patriotism Alex. But sadly it has to be accepted that Romania is on the verge of being considered " a third world country". The actuallity of your post is far off the reality.

arnie dear , the economical situation of romania was not what i argued with Liban...he was saing about the lack of culture in this "small country".
now as i saied previousely and u can read it again in my posT: i agree that RO is not doing well when it comes to economy sot that was not the issue here.
as for the patriotism honestely i don't need anyone's admiration cause i am not one , i don't think that Romania is the best place , and i am aware of the shit things in here, more than u and Liban and anyone else for that matter. i live here so each day i face the bad things...but that does not mean that i will stand silent when someone is pointing out ROmanian as a country where education does not exist! the economy, the corruption, the discrimination( i have read the post about the clubs in dubai as ex) r problems that more developed countries face, not only the third world :roll:
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Jun 02, 2006
I repect your reply Alex, but these figure do indeed have an impact on the countries culture. In terms of % about the amount of people working in Argriculture, this shows the very small % of those working within Industry.

This in turn reflects on the amount of quality education within the % of the population. I would not wish to say Rom does not have its Uni's and is not an "educated" country. But is it clear from the figures that we are indeed talking about a minority.

I would also wish to disagree on your assessment of comparing Rom education where you drew comparrisons to the rest of Western Europe. You further reinforce this comment by stating that many Arabs use the countries facilities for education.

Alex in all reallity it probably comes down to cost, and availability and lack of choice for those Arabs countries in being able to offer their kids an education but at the cheaper end of the higher education fee's. I would put it to you it has nothing to do with the excellent educational facilities you would wish us to think. As far as Bach and Master Degree's go on the quality scale, Rom is near the bottom of the list in Europe.
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Jun 02, 2006
arniegang wrote:I repect your reply Alex, but these figure do indeed have an impact on the countries culture. In terms of % about the amount of people working in Argriculture, this shows the very small % of those working within Industry.

This in turn reflects on the amount of quality education within the % of the population. I would not wish to say Rom does not have its Uni's and is not an "educated" country. But is it clear from the figures that we are indeed talking about a minority.

I would also wish to disagree on your assessment of comparing Rom education where you drew comparrisons to the rest of Western Europe. You further reinforce this comment by stating that many Arabs use the countries facilities for education.

Alex in all reallity it probably comes down to cost, and availability and lack of choice for those Arabs countries in being able to offer their kids an education but at the cheaper end of the higher education fee's. I would put it to you it has nothing to do with the excellent educational facilities you would wish us to think. As far as Bach and Master Degree's go on the quality scale, Rom is near the bottom of the list in Europe.

i do respect ur views and anyone else's point of view arnie, but do not agree with u when u say that the educated ones r minority...the problem is that many young ppl after graduation do not find they decide to go abroad: i know doctors working in the emirate's hospitals, engeneers and so on...the fact is that more and more students get more that one university degree and Master etc but it is hard to get a good job!
ohhh and yes, my dentist is from lebanon, and he decided to reside in our third world country and there r many more ( this goes out to LIban)
and yes i agree with u arnie, the costs of education is much lower that UK or any other country from W EU so they r free to go and study in Somalia or Burkina Faso! :twisted:
so to end up with this more or less intelectual debate in a nice manner, u or Liban or anyone r welcome anytime in this SMALL country in the third world and i am sure u will find some fascinateing stuff: i will be more than happy to show u arround! :wink: oh and Liban...u can bring ur donkey with u! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Jun 02, 2006
damn a thread about thongs on the beach turned into a socioeconomic argument ... interesting stuff
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Jun 02, 2006
MaaaD wrote:damn a thread about thongs on the beach turned into a socioeconomic argument ... interesting stuff

sory guys1 this is why i ended it... so u can go back on the topless, G string, and thongs.... 8) :lol:
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Jun 02, 2006
alexandra wrote:
MaaaD wrote:damn a thread about thongs on the beach turned into a socioeconomic argument ... interesting stuff

sory guys1 this is why i ended it... so u can go back on the topless, G string, and thongs.... 8) :lol:

too bad that some could not actually see the site with those teeny weeny nasty strings...aaaaaawwwwwwww :P
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Jun 02, 2006
bring it on girls

:P :P :P
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Jun 02, 2006
i already did arnie :roll:
all feather and pearls and lace....hhhmmmmmm :angel12:
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Jun 02, 2006
mmmmmmmmmmmmm yummy

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Jun 02, 2006
raidah wrote:i already did arnie :roll:
all feather and pearls and lace....hhhmmmmmm :angel12:

really nice stuff in the link that raidah posted! :roll:
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Jun 02, 2006
arnie, u misunderstood me. when i said feather, i was not talking about the outfit of ur lunch, which is probably some fat ass chicken fed in a 1st class environment :P . i was talking about strings hun :roll: now arnie, i know ur not a baby boy anymore, but sure u remember what that is...that is if in ur time there were things like that... :twisted:

arniecito :wink: :lol:
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Jun 02, 2006

I mean no offence, but i dont understand your post. Could you re-word please.
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