St.Lucifer wrote:hmm how do u plan to do it..

I think i've heard u sayin u started smokin again.... but yea 4 yrs is enough time to clean up yoa lungs.. n u've done it once.. so u'll have the feeling that u can do it again.. but how?
Really, the only way to quit properly, for good, is cold turkey.
Remember, there's 2 addictions.
The first is the chemical addiction - amazingly this only takes 72 hours for the nicotine to leave your body and breakdown the chemical addiction. Within 1 week you have lost the chemical dependency.
The second is the habitual addiction, where you've programmed your lifestyle around smoking. You know, after or with coffee, after a nice meal, timed smoke breaks during the day etc. This is the harder one to break. I suggest you take up chewing gum or something, I did this and it helped but it was still somewhat of a struggle the first month. After this, you should have altered your lifestyle enough.
Some don'ts.
Don't give in and have 'just one'.
Don't continue joint habits... if you smoke with coffee, change to tea - preferably green tea.
Avoid drinking if you're a social smoker. This will encourage the habit and with your diminished responsibility from alcohol, you will cave in and break the quit cycle.
Most importantly, be committed to quitting. If you're not serious, it won't happen. If you're serious you'll find it a lot easier.
It might also help to put up little no smoking signs as reminders around the places at home you smoke. Suggestion can help.
Will power! Be strong.
Right... I'm going for a puff.