desertdudeshj wrote:well for profits I dunno, I however can give some info into figures as I did dabble in real estate here for a while before it went bust. I recieved a floor from burj dubai ( can't say which one which one though for privacy reasons ) It was one of the smaller floors as you all know it gets narrower and it goes higher. This floor had only a few studios a two bed and one one bed as far as I remember. So yes it was pretty highhh up there. total floor space is just a niggle over 15,300 sqft.
I still have all the details in my email The Orginal price was 49.1 something million as sold by emaar to 1st owner and by the time it reached me it was going for 60 something. Within months it went up to over 120 million Dhs ! And people were falling over them selves to buy this !
And should have been 100% paid by dec 2008
So I think Emaar did pretty well unless there were massive massive payment defaults from owners ?
15,300 sq. ft!!
Is that with or without the common areas??
It means that the AED 120 mil (paid for that floor) comes to, at least, AED 8,000 PSF.
I even heard of higher selling figures for residential units (about AED 10,000 PSF!)
Well…anyway you look at these figures, they are all still truly amazing figurers!
DD, it is reported that the prices went down by more than ½, but do you know for sure what the units on that floor (or a similar floor) are actually selling for these days???
Remember that there might be, now, a little (short-lived) spike in prices -- right after the fanfare opening!!