While driving in Europe on many occasions, I did notice two distinct and totally contrary attitudes to being ‘flashed’ from behind, by a motorist travelling faster than the vehicle in front, regardless of driving conditions and prevailing speed limits. There are a thousand attitudes in between, but by far the two extreme reactions, in my opinion, belong to drivers from the UK and Germany. This is my guess at what goes through the minds and the reactions of drivers from the two Nations;
Drivers from Germany: Oops, sorry, and move over.
Drivers from the UK: WTF! Who the hell’s flames does this pi££ock think he is? Clever Bar-steward, Flash the V sign, you can wait pal until I decide when I want to move over, flash the bird, stay where you are.
Seriously, whenever I get someone flashing lights or tailgating, I move over, I would rather the fool behind posed a danger to someone else, than me. Flashing the bird would be an offence in the UAE, what was that someone said about crime and time?