Brit Riots Or Revolution ?

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Re: Brit riots or Revolution ? Aug 13, 2011
Has Shafique been sniffing something again?

'A true and noble Brit' he says! Well he certainly looks Asian to me and guess what! On the youtube clip it says 'Tariq. the Father of Murdered Asian Victims'.
Now what exactly is the problem aknowledging where someone is from? If the man is Asian, why not say he's Asian?
Is there something to be ashamed of in being Asian?

When I lived in Germany I didn't claim to be German :drunken:

And still no mention from sunshine as to the death of the old white man kicked in the head by the big black youth on the streets of his home town Ealing. No, let's stick with the death of 3 Asians and someone who got his sandwiches pinched.

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Re: Brit riots or Revolution ? Aug 13, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:When I lived in Germany I didn't claim to be German

You and herve need to find new intresting stories, facts and examples to talk about or is there going to be an end of year term quiz on this, that we need to hear about it over and over again.
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 13, 2011
I must have missed Herves comments on this thread.

It really makes me laugh how quick the muslim community are to make this about the fact that they are muslim. How on earth did the people in the car that ran them down know that they were muslim? Did they stop for a quick chat about religion? No. It doesn't have anything to do with the fact that they were muslim (not all asians are muslim). But it must be nice to play the victimised muslim card. Fed up with sodding muslims always bleating on about what terrible infidels we all are whilst living in our country and then crying about how badly they are treated. I believe they would all be happier back living in a country that adheres to their beliefs I know I would.
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Re: Brit riots or Revolution ? Aug 14, 2011
Ah Munchkin! Nice of you to make an appearance :wink:

Thank you for aknowledging that whilst I lived in Germany for a number of years, and indeed, gave birth to a child there, I've never claimed to be German, nor wished my daughter to be German! She was born in the local Landesfraufenklinik and delivered by a doctor who spoke only Deutsche but she is English through and through. When she dies she will be opened up on death, she will have 'I am English' stamped through her, just like a stick of Blackpool rock. :D I also have a child that was born in Cyprus, but only because I happened to be there at the time :D You've never said where you were born Munchkin! :)
Now I can't speak for Herve but I believe him to be French and as far as I remember, he hasn't commented on this topic. You really must put your jealousy to one side munchkin :drunken:

Anyways back to the riots started by black youths who were bored and fancied a new TV...

It really makes me laugh how quick the muslim community are to make this about the fact that they are muslim. How on earth did the people in the car that ran them down know that they were muslim? Did they stop for a quick chat about religion? No. It doesn't have anything to do with the fact that they were muslim (not all asians are muslim). But it must be nice to play the victimised muslim card. Fed up with sodding muslims always bleating on about what terrible infidels we all are whilst living in our country and then crying about how badly they are treated. I believe they would all be happier back living in a country that adheres to their beliefs I know I would.

Well Patience, when the Tottenham riots began and mentioned on DF, we Whiteys from Blighty were playing the race card, it really wasn't the fault of those poor black youths, it was all about us locals, who'd dealt them a bad hand and then, shock, horror, some poor Asian lads got knocked down :shock: Suddenly it's all about the Muslims!
I don't care whether the rioters pray at a Church, Mosque, Synagogue or the local MacDonalds.
No one mentioned religion till sunshine piped up. He spent 4 pages trying to get someone to slag of Islam and nobody did, then 3 Asian lads were mowed down. Poor buggers. But lets not get away from the white 68 year old man who was kicked in the head by a black youth. he isn't worthy of a mention as he isn't Muslim.
Now if he'd had his sandwiches pinched, that would have been a different matter!
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 14, 2011
Patience. seems like you've run out of it..patience that is.
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 14, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Patience. seems like you've run out of it..patience that is.

LOL How long did it take you to come up with that munchkin?
And they say Muslims don't have a sense of humour :o

The rioter who tries the doors at McDonalds in the first part of this clip is believed to have taken part in the attack on a 68-year-old man who tried to stamp out the fires and was left fighting for his life. He is the one with the bag over his shoulders. In the second clip, taken near to the scene of the attack in Ealing, the suspect has his jumper over his shoulders and is wearing a t-shirt with writing on the front. You'll see him turn briefly towards the camera. ... deo_vaults
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 14, 2011
patience is showing all the classic symptoms of frustration! ;)

Tariq Jahan's typifies what most Brits feel about the riots - but coming from a man whose won was murdered, his words carry more weight. The bit where he tells the youth to 'just go home' and they shut up, typifies the reality.

The EDL and other racists are fuming that the normal Muslim voice in Britain has been given such a wide airing. The contrast between Jahan and nutters such as Anjem (I'll say anything to provoke) Choudery couldn't be more starker.

But at the end of the day, Tariq is just an ordinary British man speaking sense.

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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 14, 2011
shafique wrote:But at the end of the day, Tariq is just an ordinary British man speaking sense.


LOL! Tariq's no ordinary Britiah man! he's an Asian man! I think you've totally lost it now sunshine. The topic is now going to be turned over to you trying to convince yourself that it's all about Muslims. ... -calm.html

They're even refered to as Asians in the press!

And sti ... eaths.html

And still no mention from you of that poor white English man who was kicked to death by that black youth.
Shame on you.
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 14, 2011
^BM - the fact is that only a minority of racist bigots like you DON'T consider Tariq to be British just because he has brown skin.

Indeed, you admitted that your ancestry is actually Germanic (all Angles and Saxons are not native to the British isles but came over from the Continent) - so unless you're now going to tell us your a red-headed celt, your protestations ring hollow.

An ordinary British man makes racists look pretty shallow.

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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 14, 2011
shafique wrote:^BM - the fact is that only a minority of racist bigots like you DON'T consider Tariq to be British just because he has brown skin.

Indeed, you admitted that your ancestry is actually Germanic (all Angles and Saxons are not native to the British isles but came over from the Continent) - so unless you're now going to tell us your a red-headed celt, your protestations ring hollow.

An ordinary British man makes racists look pretty shallow.


This isn't about me, silly. It's about the riots in London and those three unfortunate Pakistanis mowed down in Birmingham.

And that poor white man who you still can't bring yourself to mention.
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 14, 2011
^It is only you who are has your knickers in a twist about the British man speaking out about his son who was killed in the riots.

Your racism is odious - why object to his nationality, just because he has brown skin?

Fortunately you are in a minority and are just lashing out because the British Public is overwhelmingly proud of this British man's reaction to the deaths of the three British men. You wishing they weren't British is just sad for you.

Amid all the bad news, Tariq Jahan made me feel proud to be British ... e-british/

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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 14, 2011
shafique wrote:^It is only you who are has your knickers in a twist about the British man speaking out about his son who was killed in the riots.

Your racism is odious - why object to his nationality, just because he has brown skin?

Fortunately you are in a minority and are just lashing out because the British Public is overwhelmingly proud of this British man's reaction to the deaths of the three British men. You wishing they weren't British is just sad for you.


And it's only you banging on about how they are British whilst eveyone else acknowledges that they were Asians! By the way you forot to mention they were Muslims in your last post.
Why is it so terrible to be Asian? ... 35677.html

And you STILL didn't condemn that black youth for kicking that old white man to death!
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 14, 2011
:roll: Yeah, blame me for your racism. :roll:


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Re: Brit riots or Revolution ? Aug 14, 2011
Is that the best you can do Shafique? You're getting more like that munchkin of mine every day!

You didn't answer my question as to why it's so bad to be an Asian?

Still no mention of that poor white man either. Let's hope we don't find out he'd converted to Islam or owt daft like that, you'd be all over him like a rash then. :roll:
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Re: Brit riots or Revolution ? Aug 14, 2011
Philadelphia has, for the past few months, been experiencing what they refer to as "flash mob" attacks. A curfew was put in place and this past weekend 50 were arrested for being out after the curfew and gathering to carry out a "flash mob" event. No burning, but alot of harrassment and going into stores and restaurants to steal, beating people and causing fights to break out.

Apparently the Mayor is downplaying what is going on. The media got it wrong???

I think that the parent(s) of those arrested should be made to appear in court and take responsibility for poor parenting and child neglect. If you don't provide for your kid, leave them on their own, starve them, that's parently neglect and a parent can find themself in court for such neglect. NOT teaching kids right from wrong, developing them to be better citizens is neglect. Obviously these parent(s) aren't teaching their kids right from wrong, which IMO is child neglect, and maybe the laws need to be changed to come down harder on these kids. Build government boot camps and let them serve out their time there. Guaranteed most of them will come out with a different attitude.
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 14, 2011
And that poor white man who you still can't bring yourself to mention.

You just can’t stop about that old white fart can you,

Are you implying that the 68!!! year old white man is better that 3 young Pakistanis, those three fellows had their whole lives ahead of them, whereas that old white fart was possibly a burden on the uk tax payer.

The black guy probably did the old fart a favor, 68 year old white ppl are useless and expendable any way just like the useless inbred you call a queen.
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 14, 2011
xibit wrote:
And that poor white man who you still can't bring yourself to mention.

You just can’t stop about that old white fart can you,

Are you implying that the 68!!! year old white man is better that 3 young Pakistanis, those three fellows had their whole lives ahead of them, whereas that old white fart was possibly a burden on the uk tax payer.

The black guy probably did the old fart a favor, 68 year old white ppl are useless and expendable any way just like the useless inbred you call a queen.

You are a pretty disgusting piece of sh*t. Your parents must be very proud of you.
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Re: Brit riots or Revolution ? Aug 14, 2011
A fine example of what we have to put up in England with Bora. Let him/her/it carry on. It justifies the BNP and the EDL.
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 14, 2011
I think Xibit should change his name to specimen.

The old fart you talk about lived in this country his whole life and his father and uncle fought in the war. He came from a distinguished family of Doctors from Poole. Personally I dont wish to enter into a discussion about whose life is more expendable except of course if it is yours.
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 14, 2011
Xibit. The other version of BM aka windbag.
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 15, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Xibit. The other version of BM aka windbag.

You mean the Muslim version munchkin? :shock: See my new topic! You get a mention from Aunty BM for not denouncing Xibit! You Muslim lads all stick together don't you? :wink:
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 15, 2011
Yep as soon as anything happens its all "My brother this" or "My brother that". Absolutely rife in Dubai too, nothing to do with right or wrong but all to do with whether you worship in the right place.
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