Brit Riots Or Revolution ?

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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 10, 2011
shafique wrote:^eh is clearly on the ropes.

He and BM started off in the Tottenham Riots thread convinced that it was all the fault of blacks - 'calling a spade a spade' indeed!

Now they are itching for a 'let's blame it on the Muslims angle'. LOL

I wonder what right-wing theory they are cooking up now that their 'it is all the fault of black people' theory is in tatters? :D


errtime wrote:this just in: pakistan offering political asylum to the brits. hahhahhahahahahaaaaaaaaaa

white bastards deserve this. i think the rioters should march up to the palace and pike up the queens head at the front door. about fookin time....

The loon must have confused me with 'errtime'.

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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 10, 2011
I just have to say that if those ppl had a decent life they wouldn't be looting and going against the law.. its a sign of frustration and discrimination in many fields as they interviewed a couple of ppl in the area but the government is denying it clamming those are gangs !! gangs cant do this much damage alone and if true then then it again the government responsibility, they should've took a better care for their citizens instead of spending billions in wars.
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 10, 2011
They just need a good kick up the arse kid.
How about Abu Dhabi send over their recently aquired mates from blackwater for a bit of target practice?
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Re: Brit riots or Revolution ? Aug 10, 2011

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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 10, 2011
benwj wrote:No shaf, muslims generally target human life, not property and looting.
So you are correct that religion has little to do with this.

If that is your way to tease Shafique, then its immature, and if that is your belief, then thats disappointing.
I won't drag myself into politics, it doesn't interest me to disucss it here, but I would object on random hostile comments.

I'm a Muslim, do you see me targeting your life Ben? There is long list of Muslim countries, but do you see us targeting your life? Its absolutely unfair to accuse 1/4 of the world's population for being criminals.
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 10, 2011
I don't want to interfere but IMO it was pretty smart reply on the tiresome baiting of the Islam 24/7, who as usual tried to play Islam card although noone connected the riots with any religion at all.
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 10, 2011
uaekid wrote:I just have to say that if those ppl had a decent life they wouldn't be looting and going against the law.. its a sign of frustration and discrimination in many fields as they interviewed a couple of ppl in the area but the government is denying it clamming those are gangs !! gangs cant do this much damage alone and if true then then it again the government responsibility, they should've took a better care for their citizens instead of spending billions in wars.

A public education is free in the UK. Most of them probably didn't graduate high school, have no skills to speak of, and more than likely those in their late teens/early 20s have a police record. How employable are they?

Some of them probably know welfare as being a lifestyle. If you want to get off the dole, you can, as I'm sure that there are government programs available to people on the dole where they can be trained or complete their education. Government will make an investment in someone who wants a better life and get off the dole, because in the end, the government saves money.

The only reference you have to make a comparison is the UAE and other Emirates where the governments take care of their own. There is no immigration allowed in the UAE. The UAE doesn't have a welfare system, but does have a reward system. The UK is a country that takes in immigrants, gives them opportunities which many don't take advantage of and end up on the dole. These people rioting don't even have an agenda. What is it they want? An increase in their monthly government check? Because these people are failures and the scum of society you blame the government??? What about all the people who live a good and decent life without the government helping them??

If you want to point fingers at governments - point them at Somalia, Syria, Libya.

How can you justify 9, 10, 11 year old boys out looting and robbing?? Is that the government's fault? Educated people, civilized people, don't loot, rob and burn down their neighborhoods. Add killing to that. 3 boys were run down by a car and 1 of them died in his father's arms, his father gave him CPR to try to keep him alive - they were protecting their property, 1 boy shot while in his car, 1 person critical in the hospital. For what???? That's what the father asked: for what??
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Re: Brit riots or Revolution ? Aug 10, 2011
Japanese citizens turning in cash found in tsunami zone

A tsunami that followed a massive earthquake last month may have destroyed some of Japan's structures, but police say the honest practice of turning in lost items, especially cash, remains intact.

Residents have turned in lost cash across the tsunami zone at a much higher rate than usual, the Miyagi Prefectural Police Department tells CNN.

A police spokesman, who asked not to be identified, citing department policy, said he could not specify how much cash has been turned in to lost-and-found offices at police stations. But, he said, of the 24 police stations across Miyagi Prefecture, nine of them are on the Pacific coastline.

Between March 12, the day following the earthquake and tsunami, and March 31, those nine police stations collected 10 times the amount of lost cash collected at the other 15 stations combined.

Japanese children, from a young age, are taught to turn in any lost items, including cash, to police stations. The cultural practice of returning lost items and never keeping what belongs to a stranger has meant police departments like Tokyo's Metropolitan have an entire warehouse filled with lost shoes, umbrellas and wallets.

In the tsunami zone, where personal items lie amid miles of rubble, it's meant that lost valuables have often gone directly to police, rather than the pocket of the finder. ... s=PM:WORLD
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 10, 2011
..................and what does this have to do with what is going on in the UK?????
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 10, 2011
Well you can never blame eh for not being random !
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Re: Brit riots or Revolution ? Aug 11, 2011
Well said Bora.
It started off as the black feral youths in the London area but I viewed with dismay, the disgraceful scenes in Manchester last night. I have to say the looting that took place looked as if it was being done by mainly white feral youths. To call them animals would be an insult to an animal. I've listened to all their excuses today, which ranged from I want my taxes back, to I can't get a job, to the Police are picking on me, init.
I'm ashamed to be English at the moment.
David Cameron said today that parts of Britain are not broken, they are sick.
I watched the report of those three young Muslim men who were murdered by that car driver who mounted the kerb as they were out trying to protect their businesses. One 21 year old died in his fathers arms. What must it be like to have your only son die in your arms? Those poor families, devastated. For what? So that some no hoper can get a free TV?
The first hooligans have been in front of the Courts today. The first to be found guilty of a variety of offences, which ranged from theft to criminal damage was a black man who is employed as a primary school teaching assistant. The school website describes him as a mentor for young black children. I wonder what his excuse was?
I have just been talking to my son in law who lives in Manchester. He has been interviewing for an apprentice within the engineering company he works for. The pay is only £125 per week. There were 42 applicants. Thankfully we still have some young people who realise it's better to get some experience on a low wage, than to sit on their arses and collect unemployment benefit, claim housing and council tax benefit and never have a hope in hell of getting a job and to whinge to anyone who listens to what a raw deal they have. What happened to their work ethic?
The Government has said rubber bullets are available to the Police. Well they've got it half right.

-- Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:34 am --

shafique wrote:He and BM started off in the Tottenham Riots thread convinced that it was all the fault of blacks - 'calling a spade a spade' indeed!
Now they are itching for a 'let's blame it on the Muslims angle'. LOL
I wonder what right-wing theory they are cooking up now that their 'it is all the fault of black people' theory is in tatters? :D

You are nothing short of a complete tosser. Not once have I mentioned Muslims in my posts about the riots in the UK. Are you that desperate to try to convince people that everyone is against you that you try your pathetic little attempts to put words into people's mouths?
You sad, insignificant little man.

-- Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:38 am --

errtime wrote:this just in: pakistan offering political asylum to the brits. hahhahhahahahahaaaaaaaaaa

white bastards deserve this. i think the rioters should march up to the palace and pike up the queens head at the front door. about fookin time....

Quite amusing to see that no-one condemns your racist vibe. Now if I'd said the Police should round up those coons and shoot the friggin lot of them, there would have been outrage. Just as well I didn't.
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 11, 2011
The UK is putting good efforts with regard to the immigrants case, and I think its unfair how Brits have to pay taxes and then the government is spending it on random people, and on uncalled wars where such money is utilized to kill many people.

Perhaps the government of the UK and US are doing a good job with the immigrants within their own boarders, but its unacceptable and way too corrupted when they force their own people to pay high taxes, then being spent on bloody wars.

Why do families in the UK or USA has to pay high taxes, and the forced to send their own children to fight an invisible enemy?? When people in the UK and across EU protested in THOUSAAANDS, the British government didn't give a damn of what people wanted, and then simply apologize for their mistake with cold blood.

How would those families feel?? How would the millions of innocent families in other countries feel?

Either spend the tax money to support the British people, or never bother ask for taxes if it will only be spent on wars or random forigners.

Justice is absent!
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Re: Brit riots or Revolution ? Aug 11, 2011
whatever happens i hope the premier league games arent called off!!!

Anyway I guess the welsh, the irish, the scots must be loving whats happening in good old engrand ;)
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Re: Brit riots or Revolution ? Aug 11, 2011
rudeboy wrote:whatever happens i hope the premier league games arent called off!!!

They have already been postponed rudeboy.
Kinda says something about soccer fans doesn't it?
But the cricket's still on!

-- Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:19 am --

symmetric wrote:If that is your way to tease Shafique, then its immature, and if that is your belief, then thats disappointing.

It was indeed a Shaf wind-up.
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Re: Brit riots or Revolution ? Aug 11, 2011 ... nt-page-1/

"Speaking to British newspaper The Guardian, Steve Kavanagh, the deputy assistant commissioner of the Metropolitan police, said that “inflammatory” and “inaccurate” messages on Twitter helped fuel the riots."
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 11, 2011
Always knew twitter was the most useless thing ever invented by man
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 11, 2011
Three British Muslims were killed in Birmingham, run down as they were protecting the community. Peaceful vigils were held in their honour. The dignity of the vigil was in stark contrast with the riots.

It also turns out that the injured person being robbed by those 'helping him' is a Malaysian student - Asyraf Haziq. ... -malaysian

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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 11, 2011
shafique wrote:Three British Muslims were killed in Birmingham, run down as they were protecting the community. Peaceful vigils were held in their honour. The dignity of the vigil was in stark contrast with the riots.

It also turns out that the injured person being robbed by those 'helping him' is a Malaysian student - Asyraf Haziq. ... -malaysian


You forgot to mention he was Muslim Shaf. :drunken: Come on, let's see your spin on this. :roll:
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 11, 2011
shafique wrote:Three British Muslims were killed in Birmingham, run down as they were protecting the community. Peaceful vigils were held in their honour. The dignity of the vigil was in stark contrast with the riots.

It also turns out that the injured person being robbed by those 'helping him' is a Malaysian student - Asyraf Haziq. ... -malaysian


What a massive relief for Shafique! yea!! Finally! He can start bleating on about Muslims! After four pages of posts and trying to get anyone and everyone to mention Islam, his opportunity is here! Phew!

Forget about anyone else losing their homes and business, a man having a heart attack after his bus was hijacked, people left traumatised by having their homes broken into while they slept in their beds. Someone pinched that Muslim boys sandwiches and he mentions it on DF.

Well done Shafique.
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Re: Brit riots or Revolution ? Aug 11, 2011
^Careful, your frustration is showing.

Why do loons get agitated when facts are presented. In this case, Muslims hold peaceful vigil and this is covered by the media. No wonder the loons are furious.

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Re: Brit riots or Revolution ? Aug 11, 2011
shafique wrote:^Careful, your frustration is showing.

Why do loons get agitated when facts are presented. In this case, Muslims hold peaceful vigil and this is covered by the media. No wonder the loons are furious.


Keep your filp flops on you sad little man. I mentioned those poor men in my post last night. I don't expect it was only Muslims that held the peaceful vigil either.
It is telling that you are the only person who is trying to spin these disturbances around religion.
When someone is smashing a shop front in, is it your first thought where he goes to pray?
You may call me a loon, well I'd rather be a loon than a religious fanantic anyday of the week.
Now run along and assess some insurance claims or whatever it is you do when you aren't giving it your ayatolla blah blah.
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 11, 2011
:D Did I hit a nerve?

Anyway - let's agree that the three Brits that died and the reaction in the vigil showed the good side of British people - protecting property and protesting with dignity.

I read of other reports of Sikhs and Muslims protecting each others' places of worship over the past few nights.

I thought the calming words of the father of one of the victims was very dignified. And good on the police for already having a suspect in custody - and charged for murder.

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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 11, 2011
shafique wrote::D Did I hit a nerve?


Don't big yourself up sunshine. You're not that good, but keep practicing.
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 11, 2011
What I dont understand is what these men were doing? Protecting a building. Why did they not do what everyone else did and stay indoors. It was a needless loss of life to violent mobs, they are not equipped to deal with these idiots and should have left it to the police regardless of whether the police were doing a good job or not, I remember driving through the Brixton riots many moons ago and can say it was terrifying. From what I have read they were run over but what if they had clashed with the rioters and a much bigger fight ensued it could very quickly have flared into a race riot with muslims being targeted. All for what bricks and mortar. As it was it was not a racial attack but just a case of innocent people being caught up in a scene of mindless violence and a scenario that could have been avoided if they had just stayed home.
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Re: Brit riots or Revolution ? Aug 11, 2011
^This is what AP reported happened (in answer to your question what were they doing). I think it is harsh to blame the victims in this case.:

BIRMINGHAM, England (AP) — With police nowhere to be seen, the Muslims of Dudley Road armed themselves with bricks and stones, clubs and cricket bats to fend off carloads of marauding gangs.

Their vigilante stand in Birmingham’s west end saved a humble row of family-run shops and a red-brick mosque from the looters’ grasp — but at a terrible cost.

A carload of rioters sped into a fleeing crowd of shop defenders, witnesses said, hurling three young men into the air and killing amateur boxer Haroon Jahan, 21, and brothers Shazzad Ali, 30, and Abdul Musavir, 31.

“We all had stones in our hands. But we had no defense to stop a car. They revved their engines and drove right at us as fast as they could,” Mohammed Ibrahim, 23, told The Associated Press. “These black men deliberately tried to kill us all.”

Wednesday’s 1 a.m. slaughter has laid bare racial tensions underlying this week’s riots in Birmingham, Britain’s second-largest city and its most ethnically diverse. A fifth of the city’s 1 million “Brummies” are Muslims, most commonly of Pakistani origin. About 7 percent are black, mostly Caribbean, in background.

While the riots that have swept England this week have involved looters of every creed and hue, the street anarchy also sometimes has exposed the racial fault lines that run beneath the poorest urban quarters.

Resident after resident of Dudley Road and its surrounding Winson Green district commented pointedly to The AP that the attackers were black and accused them of targeting Muslim shops.

The passions echo streetfights from previous years, such as in 2005, when a neighboring Birmingham district suffered two nights of violence between Caribbean and Asian gangs over unsubstantiated rumors that a gang of Pakistani men had raped a 14-year-old Jamaican girl. Two men were stabbed to death, firefighters faced machete-wielding mobs, and Muslim graves were desecrated during those clashes. The west side also suffered riots in 1981, 1985 and 1991 fueled by minority hatred of white police and black resentment of the Asians’ dominant position as shopkeepers.

“We’ll hunt down these black men, cut off their heads and feed them to our dogs,” said Amir Hawid, 20, who lives just a hundred yards (meters) from the killing scene and heard the screams of the crowd at the moment of impact.

As forensics specialists combed the bloodied, rock-strewn pavement for clues, hundreds of local Muslims and Sikhs — some wearing ceremonial daggers at their waists — packed into a community hall Wednesday to confront three white police commanders who had come seeking to calm tensions. Twice as many Muslims, many in robes and kufi caps, stood outside.

Speaker after speaker complained that they had pleaded by phone for police protection the previous night, when black gangs raided local markets and chased bar staff onto the roof of one pub, yet police failed to respond. Some argued that the police had warned them not to attempt to defend their own streets, yet had offered no alternative.

The three dead men “did nothing wrong! They died because they were doing the job of protecting our community. The job that you lot should have been doing!” one speaker shouted, jabbing an accusatory finger at the police panel.

Detective Superintendent Richard Baker, commander of the 60-strong police team hunting the killers, said they already had arrested the suspected driver and 11 others potentially linked to the shop attacks on Dudley Road. He pleaded for locals to overcome their antipathy to the police, give eyewitness statements and hand over amateur camera footage.

“I will deploy whatever it takes to get justice for this community,” Baker said above a din of muttered heckles and shouted accusations, dozens of men trying to speak at once.

Baker and the local commander, Superintendent Sean Russell, defended their force’s response to the killings — which Russell admitted he could see from the police control center on a closed-circuit surveillance camera — because gangs were attacking shops in the city center. That triggered angry cries that police cared more for protecting downtown shopping centers than Muslim communities.

Russell said it took officers 10 minutes to arrive; locals insisted it was a half-hour and the officers arrived in riot gear thinking the Muslim crowd might pose a threat. The officers said they had to be cautious.

Afterward, a chastened Baker said it had been the toughest community meeting of his life. In quiet one-to-one conversations, he offered his cell phone number to local residents and pleaded for them to find eyewitnesses.

“We really want to help you, but you need to help us too,” he told one man, who said he’d been afraid to speak up and express moderate views during the meeting.

And a local black resident, who didn’t want to be identified by name because of fears for his safety, pleaded outside with the departing Muslim crowd not to start targeting blacks in retaliation.

“Don’t take your anger out on everyone. Don’t keep saying it’s black, black, black, black. Don’t take this too far,” he declared, street preacher-style, after abusive comments were directed at him. “I’ve lived and worked here seven years alongside you. I don’t want to be afraid to walk down that street now. Don’t make me afraid, because I didn’t do it, man.”

The AP found several witnesses outside the hall, who like the dead men had taken up crude arms and manned the sidewalks in hopes of keeping the invaders at bay. None expressed confidence that the police would bring justice.

“We will avenge our brothers. This is a tight community, and someone in their group will brag about how they attacked the Muslims,” said Waseem Hussain, 24, who joined the defense of the shops.

Hussain said several carloads of would-be shop raiders began casing Dudley Road, driving cars up and down the road before midnight, as scores of locals were still in the mosque observing the night’s final Ramadan prayers.

He said one carload stopped at the local gas station and convenience store — which had been ransacked the night before and was now closed with metal shutters — and asked a few youths whether there was “anything new to rob.”

He said locals threw stones and bricks at the cars, whose occupants had their windows rolled down. The two sides traded verbal abuse as the cars repeatedly passed, Hussain estimating at least a dozen times. The Muslim crowd grew as prayers concluded around 12:30 a.m.

After the cars canvassed the crowd once again under a hail of rocks, Hussain said, one of the occupants shouted a threat at them: “Are you asking for it?”

Two of the cars did a U-turn at the top of the road, he said, and gunned their engines, shifting their gears rapidly as they reached a speed he estimated at 70 mph (110 kph).

“The first car cut extremely close to the crowd but didn’t hit anyone. We all were running for cover, but there were too many people and nowhere to go,” he said.

“Some people didn’t see the second car coming. It went deeper into the footpath (sidewalk) and struck these three men, all standing in the same spot,” he said. “They must have flown 20, 30 feet. One, Shazzad, was dead when he hit the ground. All of them were bloody and unconscious. They never had a chance.”


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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 11, 2011
I wasnt blaming the victims just pointing out that they lost their lives defending bricks and mortar.
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 11, 2011
patience wrote:I wasnt blaming the victims just pointing out that they lost their lives defending bricks and mortar.

These were people in all likelihood migrated to the UK. They worked hard and put their life into realizing a dream, have a better life and be able to support a family. Maybe their first thought was to protect what they worked so hard for, rather than bricks and mortar. That was their livelihood they were protecting, not a building. Maybe there weren't police around to help them? Maybe they thought by being there the hoodlums would not destroy their livelihood. It was a leap of faith they took with a disasterous outcome. God rest the boy's soul along with the other lives lost, and God help the innocent people who were injured.
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 11, 2011
Honestly who cares about UK??? its a bloody shit hole where it pisses every day with cat and dogs and you have "chavs" and asians walking around thinking they are "bvitish"!!!

I wish these rioters would burn the queen and her indian family like they did with the witches in old time!!!

Most of them probably realise that 90% of their problems lie in the governments spending on making sure that the royal family exists!!

does anyone know how much they spend on the royal families cost???
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 11, 2011
Yes you are right Rudeboy it is ****hole but only in the areas where there is a high number of immigrants mmmmm what does that say. I should imagine your experience of the UK would be limited to these areas where you blend in.

As for your attack on our royal family they bring in more money than they cost. I wonder what would happen to you if you made that comment about the UAE Royal family.

And sure enough the muslim community vows to take revenge. It was always going to happen. It now seems to be a black versus asian war going on in Birmingham. And but for the voice of a few sane people there will be alot of blood spilt. Looks like Enoch and his rivers of blood speech is about to become a reality.
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Re: Brit Riots Or Revolution ? Aug 11, 2011
patience wrote:Yes you are right Rudeboy it is ****hole but only in the areas where there is a high number of immigrants mmmmm what does that say. I should imagine your experience of the UK would be limited to these areas where you blend in.

As for your attack on our royal family they bring in more money than they cost. I wonder what would happen to you if you made that comment about the UAE Royal family.

And sure enough the muslim community vows to take revenge. It was always going to happen. It now seems to be a black versus asian war going on in Birmingham. And but for the voice of a few sane people there will be alot of blood spilt. Looks like Enoch and his rivers of blood speech is about to become a reality.

errr how does the UK royal family bring in more money??? Please dont say tourism because none of them stand on the balcony of the royal bucking palace so that tourists can take pics of them!!

errr i have lived in uk for 15 years so I would know a thing or two ;) lets face it the whole country is now run by "immigrants" from other countries including poland etc etc! but i am not blaming the "immigrants", generally the country is a shity hole, it rains 24 hours, everything closes at 5pm???? the only good thing i miss about the uk is the donner kebab (which is an "immigrant" product) and fish and chips (probably another "immigrant" product)..

Errr the UAE royal families creates jobs. companies such as Mubadala, TDIC etc etc are companies which have been set up by members of the royal famillies.. What company has the queen or prince harry or charles set up so that they can create jobs??
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