Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail

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Re: Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail Apr 20, 2011
I'd say it would be pretty hard to give yourself friction burns to the head....more likely they would be caused by beign dragged across the floor.

Also not easy to hit your own nose against a wall - your mind knows it's going to hurt, and the natural/automatic reaction would be to avoid this (try it - easy to bang your own head against a wall, not so easy, the nose!).

I agree, ultimately, the truth is going to come out in an autopsy carried out in the UK, where the likelihood of an impartial autopsy is far more likely.

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Re: Brit beaten to death in Dubai jail Apr 20, 2011
Oh excuse me, so I made a quip, which is pretty much fact given the way BM constantly brags about her drinking and get jumped on by BB and Sage. Yet whenever they insult me, no one bats an eye lid.

Well bollocks to the lot of you!
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Re: Brit beaten to death in Dubai jail Apr 20, 2011
Oh my, logged in after a long time and see the extremely bored and boring wives club are still at it. Tsk Tsk never learn you old gassy lot now do you.

Chocs. I'll pass on to you some advice that old pot stirrer ( who until sometime ago I used to respect alot, but turned out to be one of the biggest hypocrites here ) gave to me once. That detach yourself from this virtual loserville and you'll have a lot more fun and breathe easier.

Now on one of those nights when its hard to fall asleep I just log in here and read very "interesting" posts about doing laundry, groceries, making breakfast, some other tripe about sheep or drunken triades. Desperate attempts to a make mundane and livid existance sound interesting I have to sometime recheck the site address to see if I haven't logged into some site for menopausal women. Anyways off to sleep in jiffy.

I suggest step back and enjoy a very dumbed down and monotonous version of dubai's deseperate ( more like dispicable ) housewives and their motley crew


P.S : As tradition dicates, lady of the house shall have her last word so she can save another trip to the shrink.
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Re: Brit beaten to death in Dubai jail Apr 20, 2011
I'm not hard to convince...

If he injured "himself" by throwing himself on the wall, etc. don't you think the police would have taken him to the hospital (even under "arrest").

Think about the cover-up on a UK Citizen...shudder to think what happens when a Bandladeshi, Pakistani, etc. "chokes on his own vomit".

As to the Chocodrama :roll:
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Re: Brit beaten to death in Dubai jail Apr 20, 2011
Ambassador wrote:If he injured "himself" by throwing himself on the wall, etc. don't you think the police would have taken him to the hospital (even under "arrest").

You would think so, wouldn't you. In the UK, once a person is in custody, any injuries are looked at by a police surgeon (doctor), who are paid as an on call doctor, but remain impartial. This applies when arrests are made too, and either party (police or prisoner), are injured in any way. All contact with prisoners, and full details of what goes on are also recorded in writing on the custody record, and prisoners are checked regularly by the custody staff.

Seesm like here, after any sort of violent confrontation, the prisoners are just left to lick their wounds....
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Re: Brit beaten to death in Dubai jail Apr 20, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:Oh excuse me, so I made a quip, which is pretty much fact given the way BM constantly brags about her drinking and get jumped on by BB and Sage. Yet whenever they insult me, no one bats an eye lid.

Well bollocks to the lot of you!

Where insults are cocerned you are certainly the Queen of the forum, a lady you are certainy not.
sage & onion
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Re: Brit beaten to death in Dubai jail Apr 21, 2011
BlueOrb wrote:
Ambassador wrote:If he injured "himself" by throwing himself on the wall, etc. don't you think the police would have taken him to the hospital (even under "arrest").

You would think so, wouldn't you. In the UK, once a person is in custody, any injuries are looked at by a police surgeon (doctor), who are paid as an on call doctor, but remain impartial. This applies when arrests are made too, and either party (police or prisoner), are injured in any way. All contact with prisoners, and full details of what goes on are also recorded in writing on the custody record, and prisoners are checked regularly by the custody staff.

Seesm like here, after any sort of violent confrontation, the prisoners are just left to lick their wounds....

humm !! I guess the British did not have the same quality service in their Iraqi prisons ... oh wait ...that was an international branch , "quality assurance" were not required !

-- Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:18 am --

BlueOrb wrote:
Ambassador wrote:If he injured "himself" by throwing himself on the wall, etc. don't you think the police would have taken him to the hospital (even under "arrest").

You would think so, wouldn't you. In the UK, once a person is in custody, any injuries are looked at by a police surgeon (doctor), who are paid as an on call doctor, but remain impartial. This applies when arrests are made too, and either party (police or prisoner), are injured in any way. All contact with prisoners, and full details of what goes on are also recorded in writing on the custody record, and prisoners are checked regularly by the custody staff.

Seesm like here, after any sort of violent confrontation, the prisoners are just left to lick their wounds....

humm !! I guess the British did not have the same quality service in their Iraqi prisons ... oh wait ...that was an international branch , "quality assurance" were not required !
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Re: Brit beaten to death in Dubai jail Apr 21, 2011
humm !! I guess the British did not have the same quality service in their Iraqi prisons ... oh wait ...that was an international branch , "quality assurance" were not required ![/quote]

Bit of a different scenario - one is the normal day-to-day handling of people in custody in our own country, and one is the handling of insurgents in a war zone.Different scenarios all together, and different legislation governing the treatment of detainees.

Plus, it is the Americans who abused their prisoners, not the British.

And I personally would prefer to be stood on a box with a sack on my head for a few hours, rather than sustain life threatening injuries and be left to die on the floor.

Let's not forget, the fact that incident resulted in a death is not the "norm" here by any stretch, but it has to be said that the general impression that is given of the detention system here is not good, and needs overhauling if this country is to convince the world that it really does accord people human rights whilst in detention.

The UAE is marketing itself as a business and financial hub of the the region, and a tourist destination. This is a long term plan to build a sustainable future for the country, after the oil has run out. It's a great plan, great vision, and i can see it being successful. Fair play for that.

But presiding over a draconian detention system (Police and Prisons), does not match with the vision of the government here for the future of the country, and i think that a softening of their approach to detention of prisoners (and those yet to be found guilty of any crime), would be a positive move.

And i'm not saying that British, or any other visitors or residents, should be allowed to ride roughshod over local customs, sensitivities and so forth. They shouldn't, and when they do, they should face the consequences. But whilst detained, they should be treated as humans, not animals, and protected from harm.

To take away a person's liberty, be it temporarily or permanently, is probably the most power one human being can exert over another. With that immense power, when it is wielded by a state or system, comes the responsibility of protecting the wellbeing of that person, from harm caused by those detaining them, fellow detainees, or themselves.

Whatever happened in this case, that responsibility was not met, and someone died.

This must be a reasonable time to stop, reflect on what has happened, and move forward in a DIFFERENT way.

And by the way, SHAME on the British Government for their handling of this matter. But then again, arms deals and trade deals count for more these days than the protection of citizens.

Hollow words from our passport:

"Her Brittanic Majesty's Secretary of State requests and requires, in the Name of Her Majesty all those whom it may concern to allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance and to afford the bearer such assistance and protection as is necessary".

Yeah, right.............
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Re: Brit beaten to death in Dubai jail Apr 21, 2011

No doubt you will be back with some drivel soon. :D

Countdown 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

desertdudeshj wrote:Oh my, logged in after a long time and see the extremely bored and boring wives club are still at it. Tsk Tsk never learn you old gassy lot now do you.

Chocs. I'll pass on to you some advice that old pot stirrer ( who until sometime ago I used to respect alot, but turned out to be one of the biggest hypocrites here ) gave to me once. That detach yourself from this virtual loserville and you'll have a lot more fun and breathe easier.

Now on one of those nights when its hard to fall asleep I just log in here and read very "interesting" posts about doing laundry, groceries, making breakfast, some other tripe about sheep or drunken triades. Desperate attempts to a make mundane and livid existance sound interesting I have to sometime recheck the site address to see if I haven't logged into some site for menopausal women. Anyways off to sleep in jiffy.

I suggest step back and enjoy a very dumbed down and monotonous version of dubai's deseperate ( more like dispicable ) housewives and their motley crew


P.S : As tradition dicates, lady of the house shall have her last word so she can save another trip to the shrink.

-- Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:02 pm --

I get a feeling that this is an automated message folks.

Cant be human input surely!

Chocoholic wrote:Oh excuse me, so I made a quip, which is pretty much fact given the way BM constantly brags about her drinking and get jumped on by BB and Sage. Yet whenever they insult me, no one bats an eye lid.

Well bollocks to the lot of you!
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Re: Brit beaten to death in Dubai jail Apr 21, 2011
Despite being the 3rd and 5th most commented-upon story on, the comments seem to be inaccessible. ... b=Comments

That's a rather unfortunate IT glitch, to say the least, both articles unable to display the comments.

However, luckily the glitch does not extend to the 2nd most commented artice, "Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi and UAE named in World's friendliest nations. ... 95043.html

Oh....the irony.....

-- Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:53 am -- ... uards.html

Further updates in the above link.

Beaten badly and left for four days to die. Hancuffed heands and feet. Bleeding profusely.

Interesting that the police "allegedly" only bothered with him after the British Embassy had been informed and contacted them, and then they looked "worried".

I hope this witness has the balls and the support to follow this all the way through.
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Re: Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail Apr 24, 2011
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Re: Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail Apr 24, 2011
BlackburnRovers wrote:

I liked this reader comments :
"I'm sorry he died, but the lesson us, don't go to these countries and expect "our" standards of justice, - Michael, Belfast, 23/4/2011 22:33........................Please think before you type. Despite more than 400 deaths in or directly following police custody in the last 10 years in Britain, no policeman has ever been convicted of murder or manslaughter"

but I hope this story wont disappear from the news like all other ones once it proven that the system had nothing to do with it and you guys "stop" discussing it. but doesnt make you wounder why its only brits gets in this sort of trouble !!
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Re: Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail Apr 25, 2011
but I hope this story wont disappear from the news like all other ones once it proven that the system had nothing to do with it and you guys "stop" discussing it. but doesnt make you wounder why its only brits gets in this sort of trouble !![/quote]

Talking of disappearing stories, what about the three locals who beat up a pregnant woman in Ikea?

And probably the reason it always seems to br Brits who get into trouble, is that there are more than 100,000 here (residents, that is - tourists are extra to that figure), and yes, some of them behave like they are in Spain, and are real tw*ts on holiday, wherever they are. I think all nationalities have some degree of misbehaviour by their citizens abroad. How about Gulf nationals parkng where they like in London - that's the same sort of behaviour - acting as if they own the place and are above the law, is it not?

And why stories like this are in the papers seemingly all the time - well. our press likes to highlight apparent injustices levied upon our citizens, and take up the fight for justice. It's just a shame that our government / foreign office don't accord us the same degree of support.

And what if it's proven that the police did have something to do with this death? What then?

In fact, they are already responsible, beacause he died in their custody. Whether or not they caused the injuries is irrelevant. He shouldn't have been allowed to die like that.

-- Sun May 01, 2011 10:45 am --

Update 1st May

Third post motrem is being carried out in the UK, with an inquest into his death being opened and adjourned.

It will be interesting to see what this brings out. Not many cases involve THREE post mortems.

Also, note how the family say that there are still questions that have not been answered. Hopefully the Post Mortem will shed more light on the matter, one way or the other. ... &title=Lee Brown's body examined in UK
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Re: Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail Oct 11, 2013
uaekid ,i am agree with you... i think if anything happen wrong we should take help from medico lego laws..
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