Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail

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Re: Brit beaten to death in Dubai jail Apr 18, 2011
Oh right and what about the Emirati navy man currently under arrest in the US for slavery charges? And he tried to run - idiot!

Amusing KId, that you aim your comment at me, when there are other Brits around here - DK and BM to name just two - plus BM is more likely to get into trouble, she's the hardcore alcoholic!

No, I hate the way certain people behave I really do, but you cannot tar everyone from a certain place with the same brush. I could say all locals are spoilt brats, with no respect for the law or other people, who're born with a silver spoon in their mouth and behave with a superior sense of self worth - but I know that's not true! (although maybe true to some extent, since the government just announced they want to give free parkig to all locals - once again, increasing the great divide!)

The title of the thread was merely taken from the paper heading.

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail Apr 18, 2011 ... s-1.795714

Autopsy shows body of Briton was badly bruised, court hears

The autopsy showed bruises on different parts of the deceased’s body: the left side of the forehead, the nose, upper right arm, foot, palm, right eyebrow and lower jaw, a court has heard

The Public Prosecution has listened to the testimony of a hotel housekeeper, who was allegedly assaulted by British citizen Lee Bradley Brown who died in Dubai in police custody.

Dubai: Investigations continue into the death of British citizen Lee Bradley Brown who died in Dubai in police custody last week, Dubai’s Attorney General Essam Al Humaidan said on Monday.

He said the Public Prosecution has listened to the testimony of the Burj Al Arab hotel’s female housekeeper, who was allegedly assaulted by Brown before his arrest by Dubai Police.

According to a statement from the Dubai Government’s Media Office, the woman said in her testimony that she went to a suite on the upper floors of the hotel to clean it and saw the British man who shouted at her, insulted her, grabbed her by the neck and pushed and dragged her through the corridor before trying to throw her out of a window.


She said she held on tightly to a pillar and screamed, and her colleagues rushed to her rescue, managing to free her from Brown’s hands. She said she sustained bruises on her back, arms and chin.

The Public Prosecution also listened to a waiter’s testimony who said he heard a scream when he was clearing a room in the hotel. He came out of the room to see Brown bent over and grabbing the hair of the woman, who was on the floor and crying bitterly, he added.

Violent mood

The waiter also said Brown was in a violent mood and was physically resisting some of the hotel staff who had intervened to calm down his “abnormally hysterical behaviour”.

The waiter said they asked Brown to calm down but he tried to jump off a window before they grabbed and controlled him. They later handed him over to a police patrol but he was still acting outrageously and violently.

The Public Prosecution also listened to testimonies from police personnel who said Brown was using abusive language and acting violently.

He also damaged public property when they were taking him to the Public Prosecution building for investigation, they said.

Hit his head against a wall

According to police, Brown hit his head against a wall and injured his nose. He also injured his forehead while police were trying to control him and later fell down while resisting arrest.

Al Humaidan said the autopsy showed bruises on different parts of the deceased’s body: the left side of the forehead, the nose, upper right arm, foot, palm, right eyebrow and lower jaw.

The forensic report concluded the injuries on the deceased’s body resulted from collisions with solid objects, including falls on a hard floor. The report says Brown sustained these injuries four or five days prior to his death.

Choked on his own vomit

The report also attributed Brown’s death to asphyxia, saying the deceased choked on his own vomit.

Al Humaidan said the Public Prosecution would take seriously any allegations of abuse of authority or torture because no one was above the law.

The Public Prosecution also met with Brown’s family and permitted them to see the body and receive his personal belongings.

End of report


If the pathologists/forensic doctors say the bruises were caused 4-5 days before his death, it would suggest they were received whilst he was in custody, since he had been in custody for SIX DAYS before he died.......

Funny how now, instead of just saying he choked on his own vomit, it suddenly comes out that he allgedly hit his head and fell onto the ground whilst in custody - just in time to explain the bruises that will now be seen by his family, and cannot be hidden from any post mortem in the UK once the body is handed over. Very convenient. Good job they had that second examination, because i dont remember this being picked up on the first one!
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Re: Brit beaten to death in Dubai jail Apr 19, 2011
Now where was my other joking post about him falling down the stairs?

:shock: :shock: :shock:

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Re: Brit beaten to death in Dubai jail Apr 19, 2011
It's all a bit convenient isn't it. And how come none of this came up in the first autopsy? It's all track covering, it's so obvious. Now, they'll spin any rooster and bull story.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail Apr 19, 2011
A few contradictions from earlier reports.

He called and asked for someone to go to his room as he needed assistance vs. she was going to clean a room.

Earlier it was claimed that he tried to throw the maid off a balcony, now she is saying he was trying to throw her out a window. No balconies at the Burj and windows don't open, and the statement by the waiter seems to suggest he was going to jump from a window. The only "balcony" that exists is inside the hotel overlooking the center of the hotel, which is a bit removed from where the rooms are.

It also appears that his injuries were self-inflicted. Once the body gets to the UK and a pathologist does an examination, I'm sure more injuries will be revealed - those that are not obvious to the naked eye and would be impossible to inflict on oneself.

What a mess.
Bora Bora
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Re: Brit beaten to death in Dubai jail Apr 19, 2011
Amusing KId, that you aim your comment at me, when there are other Brits around here - DK and BM to name just two - plus BM is more likely to get into trouble, she's the hardcore alcoholic!


Like you'd know about me! LOL. I'll have you know i leave my 'Brits On Tour' tshirt at home when I come to Dubai.
BM doesn't do rolling about the floor drunk, nor do I try to kill anyone. I'm a ladeeee!
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Re: Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail Apr 19, 2011
So the police have taken statements from the Burj staff involved, will they now take statements from the prisoners in Bur Dubai PS who telephoned his sister in the UK to report he was being severly beaten? I doubt it very much, and i am sure that those people involved are in fear of their lives right now, or at least severe reprisals.

Funny how prisoners are, according to the police, accorded all of their human rights and tretaed fairly, whilst rumours abound all over the place that police detention and prisons in Dubai are notoriously bad. No smoke without fire, as they say.

I think the best result from this would be, if the evidence is there, the police hold their hands up, admit responsibility, and change their ways. They want to play with the big boys on the international stage in situations like Libya, and yet run a prison/detention regime that is still in the middle ages.

I suspect he probably did die from inhaling something in his respiratory system, but i reckon it was caused by internal injuries - no mention of them at this stage, i note.

Inhaling vomit requires no reaction from the body itself to prevent death, which would be an automatic response. Most cases you read about involve people who have taken alcohol or drugs in excess, and as such their bodies shut down, and do not respond to the danger posed by vomit in the throat/airways, and hence death results. He had been in the PS for six days, and so i doubt he was "out of it" due to alcohol or drugs. More likely he was unconscious.

Interestingly, symptoms of a head injury include vomitting, and irrational or confused behaviour and agression..............

So suppose he suffered a concussion at the onset of the violence in the PS, which led to him becoming more confused and agressive, which resulted in a more severe beating, which lead to unconsciousness, vomitting, and ultimately, death?

Or maybe he received a concussion at the Burj, whilst being detained by staff/security? Who knows.

Starnge also that no guests witnessed the shennanigans at the hotel. It sounds like it would have been a very loud incident - lots of screaming, crying, shouting......
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Re: Brit beaten to death in Dubai jail Apr 19, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:............ plus BM is more likely to get into trouble, she's the hardcore alcoholic!

Was that necessary? It certainly wasn't meant as a "friendly jab". Or was it to start some mudslinging? You are so quick to point a finger at people for stirring something up, but can't see how you yourself manage to do it - more often than not.
Bora Bora
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Re: Brit beaten to death in Dubai jail Apr 19, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:............ plus BM is more likely to get into trouble, she's the hardcore alcoholic!

Was that necessary? It certainly wasn't meant as a "friendly jab". Or was it to start some mudslinging? You are so quick to point a finger at people for stirring something up, but can't see how you yourself manage to do it - more often than not.

It's actually a very nasty comment about someone she has never met, discusting!
sage & onion
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Re: Brit beaten to death in Dubai jail Apr 19, 2011
erm coukld I point you to some of the rather distasteful comments BM and BB have both flung at me previously? And neither have never met me either!

S&O, you're just a bleedin' pot stirrer, seems you have an extrodinarily short and selective memory. And of course you'd never pull Kid, BM or BB up on saying anything nasty to me - such a hypocrit! Make yourself look foolish as always.

Plus BM is ALWAYS going on about how much she drinks - lady my ass! More like jumped up Chav!

So I'm going to bloody well any dig in I can at EVERY opportunity!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Brit beaten to death in Dubai jail Apr 19, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:erm coukld I point you to some of the rather distasteful comments BM and BB have both flung at me previously? And neither have never met me either!

S&O, you're just a bleedin' pot stirrer, seems you have an extrodinarily short and selective memory.

Oh Bless!
Playground stuff from Chocs!
A jumped up Chav? Yes that's me alright? Have you been accessing my FB? (that's a private one between me and Bora! LOOOOOL!!)
BM is always derailing topics!
BM is not alone! LOL!!
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Re: Brit beaten to death in Dubai jail Apr 19, 2011
BlueOrb, interesting what you say about head injuries and vomiting, we were discussing the same thing this morning. Definitely more to this story than meets the eye. Too many inconsistancies and tail chasing going on.

Plus the areas of bruising would be very hard for someone throwing themselves around to achieve, they're in some really weird places.

Be interesting to see where it leads next.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail Apr 19, 2011
Apparently the British Embassy interviewed the 4 (i think) Brits currently staying at Bur Dubai PS, and are saying that the conversations will remain private for the moment. And i also read that the family (now here in UAE), are claiming he has been beaten.

Like you say - interesting to see what happens next. Even if it is somehow accepted that he was not beaten in custody, the police had a duty of care towards him, and he should never have been able to die in custody like that.
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Re: Brit beaten to death in Dubai jail Apr 19, 2011
Oh absolutely, if he was unconscious or convulsing, then he should never have been left alone in solitary with no one keeping a watchful eye on him - that just shouldn't happen.

If I were the family, I would be paying for an independent autopsy to be done. How on earth can all this new information surface in the 2nd autopsy, that never appeared in the first? Ridiculous.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Brit beaten to death in Dubai jail Apr 19, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:erm coukld I point you to some of the rather distasteful comments BM and BB have both flung at me previously? And neither have never met me either!

S&O, you're just a bleedin' pot stirrer, seems you have an extrodinarily short and selective memory.

Plus BM is ALWAYS going on about how much she drinks - lady my peach! More like jumped up Chav!

So I'm going to bloody well any dig in I can at EVERY opportunity!

Oh, dear. Chocs the victim - AGAIN!!!!

Chocs, if you are referring to me and you having a go sometime back, reminder!!!! It went both ways. This time round you are the one stirring the bleedin' pot!!! Shall I remind you about all your drunken escapades that we were subject to? I could take the time out and dig out some of your old posts. Let's see, one comes to mind: you and your mates holding up the bar. Oh, here's another one: Emirates staff dragging you into that rat hole bar near work and how drunk you would get.

You don't know BM from a hole in the wall. Just because she says one thing, doesn't mean it's true. Let's call it her "signature".

No different from you - all those things you talked about that you have achieved, all those inflictions you suffer from, how you live on the edge, all those friggin jobs you have had, all the friggin people you know, how you are the voice of Emirates Airlines, blah, blah, blah, doesn't mean they are all true. :wink:

-- Tue Apr 19, 2011 6:01 pm --

Bethsmum wrote:A jumped up Chav? Yes that's me alright? Have you been accessing my FB? (that's a private one between me and Bora! LOOOOOL!!)

Bora Bora
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Re: Brit beaten to death in Dubai jail Apr 19, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:erm coukld I point you to some of the rather distasteful comments BM and BB have both flung at me previously? And neither have never met me either!

S&O, you're just a bleedin' pot stirrer, seems you have an extrodinarily short and selective memory. And of course you'd never pull Kid, BM or BB up on saying anything nasty to me - such a hypocrit! Make yourself look foolish as always.

Plus BM is ALWAYS going on about how much she drinks - lady my peach! More like jumped up Chav!

So I'm going to bloody well any dig in I can at EVERY opportunity!

And I thought you had blocked me out, seems you have been reading on the sly, couldn't keep quiet for long, anyways we wait to see who has the last word :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
sage & onion
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Re: Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail Apr 19, 2011
Yup, seems someone can't help and keeps sneaking a peek at blocked posts. :lol: :lol: Some people just can't help themselves. They say one thing and do quite the opposite. :mrgreen:

And you know I always have to have the last word!!!!!
Bora Bora
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Re: Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail Apr 19, 2011
OK bora have the last word , whats 2 + 1 ?
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Re: Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail Apr 19, 2011
zubber wrote:OK bora have the last word , whats 2 + 1 ?

Chocs, you and a manual. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail Apr 19, 2011
Oh how rude of me , Would you like to join us ? :mrgreen:
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Re: Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail Apr 19, 2011
zubber wrote:Oh how rude of me , Would you like to join us ? :mrgreen:

For what? :lol:
sage & onion
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Re: Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail Apr 19, 2011
zubber wrote:Oh how rude of me , Would you like to join us ? :mrgreen:

I'm sure she would love that, but I'll pass, thank you. :lol: And then there were four.................... :lol:

-- Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:52 pm --

sage & onion wrote:
zubber wrote:Oh how rude of me , Would you like to join us ? :mrgreen:

For what? :lol:

Maybe he needs someone to read the manual then he won't have to multitask. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail Apr 19, 2011
sage & onion wrote:
zubber wrote:Oh how rude of me , Would you like to join us ? :mrgreen:

For what? :lol:

For a good game of doctor doctor :mrgreen:

-- Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:57 pm --

Bora Bora wrote:Maybe he needs someone to read the manual then he won't have to multitask. :lol: :lol:

Never be ashamed to admit when one doesnt know something , thats what i always say :mrgreen:
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Re: Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail Apr 19, 2011
zubber wrote:
sage & onion wrote:
zubber wrote:Oh how rude of me , Would you like to join us ? :mrgreen:

For what? :lol:

For a good game of doctor doctor :mrgreen:

-- Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:57 pm --

Bora Bora wrote:Maybe he needs someone to read the manual then he won't have to multitask. :lol: :lol:

Never be ashamed to admit when one doesnt know something , thats what i always say :mrgreen:

Don't you mean doctor nurse??

Note to Zubber: By the manual on CD. :wink:
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Re: Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail Apr 19, 2011
I see this thread has been nicely derailed by the same old rubbish between ladies that seems to infect anything interesting or serious on here.

Seems like you can't have a civil discussion without festering wounds being opened up, and the same old childish insults being hurled.

So i'll say (there was an expletive here - i had a change of heart and removed it), and hopefully have this moved off to FC, where all the same arguments should in fact be had, instead of derailing threads like this.

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Re: Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail Apr 19, 2011
BlueOrb, I apologize for participating in the derailment. It's due to one person who has to constantly take a jab at the same people. All was very nice until she showed up and did her usual ugly dance here and on other threads as well. Yes, one bad apple can spoil the barrel.

Here is where the thread went south:

Chocoholic wrote:Amusing KId, that you aim your comment at me, when there are other Brits around here - DK and BM to name just two - plus BM is more likely to get into trouble, she's the hardcore alcoholic!

Again, apologies to you.
Bora Bora
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Re: Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail Apr 19, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:BlueOrb, I apologize for participating in the derailment. It's due to one person who has to constantly take a jab at the same people. All was very nice until she showed up and did her usual ugly dance here and on other threads as well. Yes, one bad apple can spoil the barrel.

Here is where the thread went south:

Chocoholic wrote:Amusing KId, that you aim your comment at me, when there are other Brits around here - DK and BM to name just two - plus BM is more likely to get into trouble, she's the hardcore alcoholic!

Again, apologies to you.

I totally agree with you BB.
sage & onion
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Re: Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail Apr 20, 2011
Yeah...I know where it all went wrong. I wont personally say it's the fault of A or B or C......It's just annoying when something that has a serious subject matter, goes downhill for the same old reasons here. And it's actually Chocs' thread, so even more ironic, really.

I never started this thread, so i don't know why i'm bothered, to be honest - probably beacause i feel strongly that the truth should come out, beacuse there but for the grace of god goes each and every one of us here.

And the "grace of god" bit is just an expression....i'm not at all religious.....
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Re: Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail Apr 20, 2011
Serious, light, humorous - whatever the subject matter, it shouldn't be derailed, especially by the same culprit all the time.

Back on topic. This article gives a bit more detail about the injuries. Or should I say justification? Also has a link about a second autopsy. I notice that no one from the local publications has tried to interview the family, although they probably wouldn't have much to say while in Dubai, but will have alot to say when they get back to the UK. ... 9-1.382649
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Re: Brit Beaten To Death In Dubai Jail Apr 20, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:Serious, light, humorous - whatever the subject matter, it shouldn't be derailed, especially by the same culprit all the time.

Back on topic. This article gives a bit more detail about the injuries. Or should I say justification? Also has a link about a second autopsy. I notice that no one from the local publications has tried to interview the family, although they probably wouldn't have much to say while in Dubai, but will have alot to say when they get back to the UK. ... 9-1.382649

I suppose we will have to wait for the results of the autopsy in the UK.
sage & onion
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