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Breakfast... Apr 12, 2011
Since I was weaned off the bottle I've been looking for good breakfast food. It's boring stuff.

What do you eat for breakfast? I'm looking for breakfast items that do not included breads.

I typically eat (not at same time)..

fruit (no bananas)
Cereal (whole wheat /flax)

Any suggestions (except chardoney...)

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Re: Breakfast... Apr 12, 2011
A pair of Kippers, gently grilled for a few minutes either side and served with generous knob of butter on top, the bones are a bit fiddly but well worth the effort.

Finnan Haddock fillets poached in milk served topped with a poached egg, thicken the milk after poaching the fish and egg with a roux for a thin consistency sauce.

Another favourite is Smoked Haddock Kedgeree, Mmmm I know what’s on the menu for breakfast in the Dillon household this weekend!

If you ever find yourself near Whitby in the UK, Fortunes is the place for traditional oak smoked fish and well worth a visit, if you like smoked fish that is!

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Re: Breakfast... Apr 12, 2011
Any suggestions (except chardoney...)

you don't want to be having Chardonnay for breakfast Ambassador, that wouldn't be very healthy now would it?

Try a sparkling white wine with equal amounts of fresh orange juice, delicious served very cold.

I'm a porridge eater in the winter. I like it made with half semi skimmed milk and half water, with a touch of sea salt. When it's ready I pour cold milk over it, but never add any sugar.
In the summer, I revert back to Weetabix, two, with very cold semi skimmed milk.
At the weekend I sometimes have a slice of toast, with butter and Marmite. The toast has to be left standing, I don't like it hot, nor cold. if it's hot the butter runs away and I hate it when it runs down my arm. If the toast is cold then it goes hard. It has to be real butter, I don't do this spreadable tastes just like butter rubbish, because it doesn't.

When I'm in JBR, I have been known to meet my friend for breakfast at Le Pain (I can't spell the rest) on the Walk. I have a cheese omelette with cold orange juice and black coffee. Now that's a real treat. :D

-- Tue Apr 12, 2011 3:48 pm --

Dillon wrote:A pair of Kippers, gently grilled for a few minutes either side and served with generous knob of butter on top, the bones are a bit fiddly but well worth the effort.

Finnan Haddock fillets poached in milk served topped with a poached egg, thicken the milk after poaching the fish and egg with a roux for a thin consistency sauce.

Another favourite is Smoked Haddock Kedgeree, Mmmm I know what’s on the menu for breakfast in the Dillon household this weekend!

If you ever find yourself near Whitby in the UK, Fortunes is the place for traditional oak smoked fish and well worth a visit, if you like smoked fish that is!


I hope you don't live in JBR Dillon! Think of the neighbours, they won't want your kippers floating round the bedroom.
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Re: Breakfast... Apr 12, 2011
Dillon wrote:A pair of Kippers, gently grilled for a few minutes either side and served with generous knob of butter on top, the bones are a bit fiddly but well worth the effort.

Finnan Haddock fillets poached in milk served topped with a poached egg, thicken the milk after poaching the fish and egg with a roux for a thin consistency sauce.

Another favourite is Smoked Haddock Kedgeree, Mmmm I know what’s on the menu for breakfast in the Dillon household this weekend!

If you ever find yourself near Whitby in the UK, Fortunes is the place for traditional oak smoked fish and well worth a visit, if you like smoked fish that is!


Fish in the morning, other than lax (once in a blue moon) :pukeleft: :pukeleft:

-- Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:02 pm --

Bethsmum wrote:I'm a porridge eater in the winter. I like it made with half semi skimmed milk and half water, with a touch of sea salt. When it's ready I pour cold milk over it, but never add any sugar.
In the summer, I revert back to Weetabix, two, with very cold semi skimmed milk.
At the weekend I sometimes have a slice of toast, with butter and Marmite. The toast has to be left standing, I don't like it hot, nor cold. if it's hot the butter runs away and I hate it when it runs down my arm. If the toast is cold then it goes hard. It has to be real butter, I don't do this spreadable tastes just like butter rubbish, because it doesn't.

When I'm in JBR, I have been known to meet my friend for breakfast at Le Pain (I can't spell the rest) on the Walk. I have a cheese omelette with cold orange juice and black coffee. Now that's a real treat. :D

Nothing I like or "bread" products...back to boring!
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Re: Breakfast... Apr 12, 2011
I focus more on apple, carrot, cucumber, eggs...
but my real problem comes with lunch and dinner...
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Re: Breakfast... Apr 12, 2011
My breakfast is:
French toast
Steam rice(sometimes :D)
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Re: Breakfast... Apr 12, 2011
I'm not a breakfast person but hubby is. Here's what I put together (not in one day!)

Foul (and I make an awesome one!!) This can be prepared the night before and heated in the morning, but hubby doesn't take kindly to reheated food. - I don't use any oil or butter.

Yogurt with fresh fruit (anyh one or a combination of: bananas, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, peaches, mango) and honey, with a sprinkle of flax mix

Oatmeal with fresh fruit and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

Hard boiled eggs with cucumber, labneh and salmon on the side.

"Poached" eggs on whole wheat bread. (Check ingredients - I buy 100% whole wheat - no white flour) and turkey bacon

"Poached" eggs - labneh and cucumbers on the side. Sometimes he gets a few black olives!!! and turkey bacon.

Its easy to poach eggs in a frying pan. Just heat a bit of water on the bottom and when it is hot break the eggs into it and cover them til cooked. Basically "steaming" them rather than frying, but without any oil or butter.

Whole grain waffles (in the box) topped with pancake syrup and fresh blueberries and side of turkey bacon.

I generally have two pieces of toast or a whole wheat "English" muffin, drenched in butter.

Invest in a smoothie machine. Buy frozen fruit - there are all kinds - add fresh banana - put in machine with yogurt and anything else you want to add along with some honey. Delish!!!!

By the way, what exactly was in the bottle that you have weaned yourself off of??
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Re: Breakfast... Apr 12, 2011
How about some muesli or granola with natural yoghurt, topped with fresh fruits.

Scrambled egg with smoked salmon.

Waffles with maple syrup.
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Re: Breakfast... Apr 12, 2011
@mahmmoud...your stuff, except for the eggs, is not too good for you (too much starch)

@the last...cumumber for breakfast !

@BB, sounds like Egyptian stuff and healthy but it requires cooking. No banana's for me. It would probably be easier for me to "poach" a wild animal than an egg (never tried to do it but do order them at restaurants). Hard boiled yes.

@chocs all good except for the waffles and the granola has to be the right kind/combo.
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Re: Breakfast... Apr 12, 2011
Ambassador wrote:@mahmmoud...your stuff, except for the eggs, is not too good for you (too much starch)

@the last...cumumber for breakfast !

@BB, sounds like Egyptian stuff and healthy but it requires cooking. No banana's for me. It would probably be easier for me to "poach" a wild animal than an egg (never tried to do it but do order them at restaurants). Hard boiled yes.

@chocs all good except for the waffles and the granola has to be the right kind/combo.

Yup, kukes for breakfast!!! I mentioned it, not thelast. No different that having tomatoes. I guess kukes for breakfast is as strange to you as I find having beans for breakfast odd.

Practice Ambassador, practice. So leave the bananas out of the smoothies, which does not require any cooking!!! Make sure you get natural yogurt as Chocs suggested; that artifical stuff is awful. :) If you do fruit and yogurt, buy Greek yogurt. Much thicker. But use "regular" yogurt for the smoothies. You can even find reduced fat and fat-free yogurt. Smoothies are also very filling.

Go buy yourself a box of eggs - you know the box of 15 - and like I said: in a small frying pan, put in enough water to cover the bottom and then (1) break the egg into the water when it is bubbling or if easier (2) break eggs in a dish then "pour" them into the frying pay. Put a lid on the pan and the eggs will steam!!! Maybe you need a housemaid? or possibly a wife? :wink:
Bora Bora
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Re: Breakfast... Apr 12, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:
Ambassador wrote:@mahmmoud...your stuff, except for the eggs, is not too good for you (too much starch)

@the last...cumumber for breakfast !

@BB, sounds like Egyptian stuff and healthy but it requires cooking. No banana's for me. It would probably be easier for me to "poach" a wild animal than an egg (never tried to do it but do order them at restaurants). Hard boiled yes.

@chocs all good except for the waffles and the granola has to be the right kind/combo.

Yup, kukes for breakfast!!! I mentioned it, not thelast. No different that having tomatoes. I guess kukes for breakfast is as strange to you as I find having beans for breakfast odd.

Practice Ambassador, practice. So leave the bananas out of the smoothies, which does not require any cooking!!! Make sure you get natural yogurt as Chocs suggested; that artifical stuff is awful. :) If you do fruit and yogurt, buy Greek yogurt. Much thicker. But use "regular" yogurt for the smoothies. You can even find reduced fat and fat-free yogurt. Smoothies are also very filling.

Go buy yourself a box of eggs - you know the box of 15 - and like I said: in a small frying pan, put in enough water to cover the bottom and then (1) break the egg into the water when it is bubbling or if easier (2) break eggs in a dish then "pour" them into the frying pay. Put a lid on the pan and the eggs will steam!!! Maybe you need a housemaid? or possibly a wife? :wink:

I prefer the real fruit to the as no to ingest too much sugar (fructose)...

Yes, I only have the greek yogurt + blueberries...
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Re: Breakfast... Apr 12, 2011
Where do you get sugar in smoothies? Don't add any honey. Frozen fruit does not have any sugar added. Frozen fruit is quick and easy and you don't have to add ice cubes to your yogurt, but you can add flax, bran, oats, whatever you want!! I think you are just lazy!!!!

You seemed to overlook a few questions:

What was in the bottle?

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Re: Breakfast... Apr 12, 2011
What about a full English Ambassador, that'll put hairs on your chest!

And proper bacon, not that turkey rubbish.
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Re: Breakfast... Apr 12, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:And proper bacon, not that turkey rubbish.

I'll keep that in mind when I see you!!!!
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Re: Breakfast... Apr 13, 2011
Tomorrow for me and the Mrs. is a pound of thick cut bacon and a pot of black coffee. We might have a bit of toast and flap up an omelette between us smothered in cheese! We are not breakkie folk, but go big or go home!
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Re: Breakfast... Apr 13, 2011
Bora Bora wrote: Frozen fruit does not have any sugar added.

"Added" is the operative word - some smoothies are high in sugar (natural but sugar nonetheless).

milk, yes and no, :wink:
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Re: Breakfast... Apr 13, 2011

Soaked in Jack Daniels...

:drunken: :drunken: :drunken:

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Re: Breakfast... Apr 13, 2011
Burnt bagel and black coffee..... 8)
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Re: Breakfast... Apr 13, 2011
zonker wrote:Burnt bagel and black coffee..... 8)

Oh dear!

I used to lose Weetabix with warm milk and brown sugar. Readybrek, Cheerios, Cornflakes - but there's an art to the proper bowl of cornflakes, you have to pour on some ice cold milk, then add a sprinkling of white sugar, then pour over some more ice cold milk - don't ask me why, but they always taste better like this.

-- Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:28 pm --

zonker wrote:Burnt bagel and black coffee..... 8)

Oh dear!

I used to lose Weetabix with warm milk and brown sugar. Readybrek, Cheerios, Cornflakes - but there's an art to the proper bowl of cornflakes, you have to pour on some ice cold milk, then add a sprinkling of white sugar, then pour over some more ice cold milk - don't ask me why, but they always taste better like this.
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Re: Breakfast... Apr 14, 2011
I like the idea of a burnt bagel :D
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Re: Breakfast... Apr 14, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:I like the idea of a burnt bagel :D

I'm searching for "meaning"... :idea:
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Re: Breakfast... Apr 14, 2011
Ambassador wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:I like the idea of a burnt bagel :D

I'm searching for "meaning"... :idea:

Ambassador, life is tedious, and then we die...
Its all quite meaningless! :drunken:
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Re: Breakfast... Apr 14, 2011
Ambassador wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:I like the idea of a burnt bagel :D

I'm searching for "meaning"... :idea:

Ambassador, it was just BM thinking out loud. I blame it on the Chardonnay :drunken:
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Re: Breakfast... Apr 15, 2011
Mmmmmm… just finished a Finnan Haddock breakfast and it was a most welcome and thoroughly enjoyable change from the usual Friday morning bacon and eggs.

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Re: Breakfast... Apr 15, 2011
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

8) 8) 8)

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Re: Breakfast... Apr 15, 2011
Fruit salad with cream
Omelette (onions+tomato+mushroom+egg+cheeeeese)
Cheese + walnuts
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Re: Breakfast... Sep 29, 2013
We are just done having our breakfast in Circle Cafe we got the big breakfast which includes two eggs any style, beef sausage, turkey bacon, hash browns, grilled mushrooms and tomatoes, cooked white beans, bagel, small fresh juice and choice of tea or coffee for only 50AED! You should try them. Here's their location:
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Re: Breakfast... Sep 30, 2013
what about yogurt and (I know its bread but its a different bread) try the protein bread from Modern bakery, im addicted to it, very low carb!
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Re: Breakfast... Oct 01, 2013
I always used to skip breakfast but really going to try and use some or all of these suggestions. I think they all sound yummy and tbh 100% better than boring old cereal or toast by itself :)
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Re: Breakfast... Oct 12, 2013
The french toast and sandwich are good choice for working day breakfast.
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