A very bad encounter with a cab driver is what prompted me to write this post. I am going for my classes in the afternoon and the place of this institute is so far, and daily my commuting is a big problem and today was the worst. I luckily got in a taxi and told the driver of my destination. He mumbled something clearly showing his displeasure but anyway took me..but when we neared the place, he started shouting at me, that the place is far and full of water and I trciked him to take me there, he will get stuck in traffic and his income is gone that day and so on and on. I got so upset that I couldnt concentrate on my classes that day.
Why such things happen here all the time? Its not only me, lot of persons are going thru this everyday..
1. there is not adequate public transport to all places
2. not enough taxis for the existing population
3. car lift - illegal
so all people tend to get their own cars which again leads to traffic congestion. its such a bottleneck situation and i am not sure if the rulers are atleast aware of these problems? is there anyway we all can convey this to them .. thru' mass mailing, posts or some kind of messaging
I could have complained against this driver easily, but then he was very old and I didnt feel like. Its not his mistake alone..even I would've got angry if my lunch money is going becos of such a trip..With his income and living standards its natural to be so bitter in life. What is wanted is a huge change in the transport system in this country...more public transports, more pedestrian crossings, and less single driven cars.