Bad Hires Around The World - Not Only In Dubai

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Bad Hires around the world - not only in Dubai Oct 08, 2024

My son applied for a job within one hour since it was published on LinkedIn. He was first to apply and he wrote a message to the company that he applied to and that he is awaiting their response.
After him another candidate applied. But the next day there was only one candidate for a job and we thought that another person withdrew for some reason.
And while all other jobs had hundreds of applicants this specific job had only one for a full week.
But nothing was happening!

My son sent another message to the company that contained only a question mark and they replied.
They told him that there is no application at all on their website from him and they asked him if he can send his CV directly to their email. So he did.

And then we realised that somebody in that company was deleting applicants and keeping only one to make sure that he/she gets a job.

No wonder why there were no other applicants.

And that is how some HR are corrupted! When they have their candidate (a friend, family member or somebody who paid them) they do not want to risk a better candidate to get hired!

And another funny thing happened. One young girl, HR from a big international company with branches in many countries sent an offer via LinkedIn message to my son, to apply for a position in their company as an IT programmer. And the funny thing is that he is not an IT programmer at all. He only listed in his certificates section a few from programming courses online, that he did alone in his free time.

I guess she liked him personally ;)

What a disaster it would be for that company if she hired him and secured his position.

Why on Earth do companies hire young people for HR??? Isn’t it logical to put somebody loyal who has just a few years before pension, so that he/she uses their wisdom and hires proper people for the company. Experienced workers know exactly what skills a new employee needs, what personality, orientation and ambition a young person shall possess in order to get a job and position in their company.

Somehow everything is so artificial these days. People who boast a lot get noticed and hired.
My children have been volunteering with me for two and a half years already. But they do not put it into their resume. And actually nobody knows what we are doing because it is kind of a sensitive volunteering job. It is better and more secure to keep it private and do it in silence. Those who need to know they know and everyone else have no clue.
But because volunteering coordination requires a lot of online presence when we are not in the same place, or even in the same country (since they went to study) my children were online a lot of times during study break. Sometimes I send them messages and wait for a response until they finish their class.
And guess what; no professor wanted to write to them recommendations for jobs or further studies.

They saw them on their phones most of the time :D

Imagine being so shallow and never inquiring about a student's activity, never asking questions, never even trying as a Teacher to give advice.
How can they call themselves Teachers if they never cared to advise their students to choose “better” activities than being online!
Maybe they would hear something inspirational from their students, something they never imagined young people are able to do for others just by using their own bright and creative brains.

Here as an illustration of a situation I can mention those famous pictures of two girls; one is reading Qur’an and one is holding a phone.
But in another picture they are seen from behind and one that holds Qur’an has a phone inside and she is scrolling the internet while pretending to be reading, and another one is actually reading digital Qur’an on her phone!

It is so easy to misjudge people nowadays!
No wonder why companies are hiring bad hires. Nobody cares to know the person behind, it is all about personal likes and preferences or pure corruption in some cases.

May Allah help us all to be the best versions of ourselves and to be precious by Him. Then situations with people will eventually fall into the right places after a while.
No need to rush with anything, especially not with judging/hiring people!

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