1 If the computer detects you have a bad Karma, you’ll be instantly banned for life (from DF)!!!???? I guess I need to work on my karma to avoid getting banned. I really don’t know how to do that. Any tips??
2- The Dean of DF has apparently moved back to Accra, Ghana, which he calls his home.
3- He accuses Chocs of having a dual personality!!.

4- Just wondering: What is the term used for someone with 4 personas: from Afghanistan, from Britain, from Ghana and from Dubai?

5- The current Darling of DF is back in Dubai (Sorry Chocs, you had your heydays!) The flags are up all over JBR.

6- BM finds DD’s missing stash of 80,000 Indonesian Rupees in her apartment. But DD has told us that the missing cash was in AED, and that he had paid people money to dive into the large garbage bins to look for it.
7- Well.... someone is fibbing. Either DD or BM??

8- A big fight breaks out between Chocs, BM and BB, defying the recent DF rule that says fights are only allowed in FC, and that violators would be banned immediately.
9- The mystery plot about the character named Ambassodor thickens, with new confusing revelations!!
10- No signs, yet, of BM’s favorite missing boys: Shaf and DDS.
11- And, saving the best for last, a British dumb-looking bloke who works as a handyman is invited to Dubai by a mystery woman. She flies him in on First Class and puts him up at the most expensive hotel in the world. On the following day, the bloke gets arrested, goes to jail, vomits and chokes (to death) on his vomit.

Anything else???