I Am So Ashamed Of That "shayh"!

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I am so ashamed of that "shayh"! Nov 02, 2023
I love the UAE and the first time one UAE man made me ashamed of sharing the same air with a sort of being like himself. Yuck!
I think that is the same guy who before gave "halal lottery fatwa". Now finally I saw his face. What an ugly face! It makes me so angry. He is trying to be wise, but he is not indeed.

He just put UAE in a bad light worldwide and now people think that we are all the same here.
Wallahi he is disgusting as he is trying to please people who do not ask from him to please them!

I am sure that they are also d-isgusted with his words, as anyone normal can recognise that he is not truthful, but just trying to come close to people in position, so that he can later do his agenda.
Maybe if they believe that he loves them unconditionally, they will entrust him money for charities worldwide or for anything he asks.

Beware my beautiful people of the one who talks too sweet about you, just because you are having money! No truthful person will try to enter somebody's asshole no matter what!

And to that man: This is a free country and we are free to do whatever we want, and we can boycott whoever we want and we do not need permission from anyone of how to spend our own money!

And I am sure that nobody asked you to share your "fatwa" and nobody wanted you to defame the UAE!

:angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:
:mumum: :pain10: :mumum: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:

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