I personally am not having an arranged marriage; however, I see nothing wrong with them.
Yes, sometimes it can be akward -- but sometimes it can be the best thing to ever happen to a person.
While I am in no way speaking of all situations including arranged marriages, some, more particularly the ones I have witnessed from my mother's side of the family have not been the type where you have two seperate individuals who know nothing of one another marrying. Yes, almost all the couples marrying were cousins, but they had already harbored feelings for one another before they even knew they would be married. Strange how that worked out

But hamdulilla, thank god, they are quite happy -- and that is what matters, in my opinion.
My father's side of the family -- well that is a different story. Most of the arranged marriages ended in divorce.
So as in almost everything else, I believe that it depends on the two individuals and their families. How committed they are to one another, how accepting the families are of one another (and I mean trully accepting, not that superficial stuff), and what their destiny had been written out to be.