desertdudeshj wrote:Actually I'm surprised he kept it in his pants for as long as he did, still a very long marriage according to todays standards, forget Hollywood standards and I also wouldn't be surprised if this was just the tip of the ice berg actually. After all, someone as famous and rich like him who spent so much time on screen with his shirt off. I'm sure more than a few women threw themselves at him.
And how would you know that he kept it in his pants and didn't take it out long before in their marriage? Read some stories about him DDS, he was a pig. Political marriages are strange relationships. Troubled marriages seem to "survive" and both parties make it possible. I'm sure the word "discretion" is key.
Would all of this make me enjoy his movies anyless, no. Would I watch if he made another movie, yes. Do I think he is arse for doing this, yes and now he's going to have to pay for it in more ways than one. He did the crime and now he's about to do the time.
I stopped watching his movies long ago. Clearly written for someone who had plenty of muscle from the neck down.
Also a bit hypocrital about tossing all the blame on the guy, what about the maid ? It takes two to tango.
Of course it takes two to tango. But let's put it in perspective: he was screwing the housekeeper, in the house that he and Maria shared. Both of them looked Maria in the face everyday knowing what they were doing. Now, that's as low as you can get.
It reminds me of a couple I knew in Dubai. Wife (No.2 - he separated from wife No. 1 long before he remarried, never got a divorce) was pregnant with second child, first child stirs in the bed during the early morning hours, hubby offers to check on the child. Hubby doesn't return to the bedroom, wife gets up and finds him doing the nasty with the maid in the next room. Fast forward: hubby has girlfriend (she's divorced, 1 child back home), gets her preggers, sends her back to the Philippines to "take care of it", she returns bigger than when she left demanding marriage, she wants to be wife number 3 with the villa, the car, the money, bla bla bla. He says no, asks if she wants to take the chance of giving birth in the UAE without the benefit of marriage. Sends her back to the Philippines. Several months later the new mommy circulates an email to everyone he knew (including Mr BB) announcing the birth of Mr Local's newest son, including a copy of the birth certificate naming Mr Local as the father. For many months girlfriend called and texted Mr Local demanding money and calling the home tormenting Mrs Local, she spoke to the children, she spoke to the housemaids. Present day: 3 years down the road and we received a picture of Mr Local's son. Bottom line: Mr Local and girlfriend got what they deserved.
Second story: Very well placed man (US citizen) married, living in Dubai and having problems in marriage. He takes a second wife, Sharia marriage, doesn't tell wife no.1. Wife No.2 was "curious" about wife No. 1 so he takes wife no. 2 to the house and introduces her as an "employee". Had dinner together, chatted, drank, all the while wife No. 1 didn't have a clue (not that I know of). Bottom line: Two more pigs. Today he's miserable, starting his life over, if you want to call it that!, with two little ones, and Wife No. 2 can't spend his money fast enough.

I told Mr BB that I have this picture in my mind - remember the movie the Godfather when Marlon Brando was running around the garden and keeled over playing with the grandson? That's how I see this man one day, except it will be on the beach.
Yes it does take two to tango. Two pieces of garbage as far as I'm concerned.
Let's see: Arnie's housemaid had nothing to lose and could only gain, Arnie had everything to lose and nothing to gain. Seems to have worked out for both of them.