I went to Dubai with a plan.
I had a very good contract and was able to save more than 50% of my salary every month, tax free. I had free furnished luxury accommodation, an yearly furniture allowance, airfare every year to my destination of choice, free medical, free schooling for the children. I also worked my butt off, but enjoyed myself thoroughly. It wasn't very rare for me to go to work at 7:30am on a Wednesday, say, and emerge at dawn from the building on a Friday!
And 60 days' paid holiday!
By the end of 10 years, I had saved and invested my money; now I was getting as much from my investments as I was from my job in Dubai! And growing. Its about 10 years since I left Dubai, and looking back on the past it looks pretty rosy
I am not (really) trying to show off, just to make a point. If you leave your own country to work and live in another, particularly somewhere like Dubai, you better have a darn good plan!
I am sure even the Phillipino lady that BM talks about must have a plan.
Its a different story that most people are not good at planning, and just follow the herd; they have seen someone in their community go to Dubai and seen their financial success; they feel they should go to Dubai too and they will be the same. Then they end up in low paying jobs, and walk around in a daze, not knowing what hit them.
I know 2 people personally who went to Dubai to set up a "business". In 6 months they had both blown away millions of dollars, and nothing to show for it. They left Dubai quietly, in contrast to the fanfare with which they had arrived. Dubai is good at giving many people a reality check.
It has done wonders for others. I am one of the grateful ones.
I love Dubai and wish it well