Unknown Devil wrote:Not_Sure wrote::sleepy4:
I tried n tried....but i give up after trying for nearly an hour.
I fear nothing.
*Only God*
Well everybody fears him.
But leaving him aside if a guy is pointing a loaded gun on ur head whether it be front or behind, u still wouldnt get scared.
Or maybe say someone actually puts u on a board and injects aneasthetic in ur whole body but somehow keeps ur eyes alive and is slowly gutting u bit by bit with scapels and who know what and only u can see urself being gutted that still wouldnt scare u also.
Hmm the main thing when fear comes to anyone is when ppl put themselves in the situation and think about that happening to himself. Thats fear!! I would say!!
To be honest with you..i must have said this to alot of my friends if u ask them...i said "if any day i wake up....and i get hit by a bus or something and die.....i wudnt regret it..."
So if someone points a gun to my head...i wudnt be worryng abt how im going to die...i wud be thinking of how to get that MF.

I have nothing to loose if im dead...so be it.
How abt this senario...i watched on you tube...how a zoo keeper got attacked by a lion...
Now lets say one day ur in africa or whatever....and a lion pops up....and u got to agree..u stand no chance with a lion...their claws alone can rip you open in half...but now here where true fear comes into place....u see that lion attacking someone u love...someone u know that wud expect u to save them...question is...do u go in fighting in a blaze of glowry?
hmmm...logically thinking...u know ur gona die....ur loved ones know ur gona die too if u jump in to the rescue...so a smart decision wud be let it go? BUT since i have nothing better to live for in this louzy life....ill make sure that lion gets some action from me that no other human will ever perform when i go down...so i WUD jump in and do my best...
Gun...injection....thats ajoke man...a walk in the park....
Take a heart of a lion to fight a lion.....
Anyone can carry a gun and shoot...or push a button and blow them selves up...its painless....but not anyone is willing to be a slow teazing meal...for a lion...where is just plays with u...and doesnt end ur suffering...."watch the movies on u tube"
sometimes u know ur going down...the question remains...how you go down? in fear...like a coward....or like someone that will be remembered for many years? like someone who lived up to his words...someone who did not know what fear was...?
This is one thing u learn in martial arts...if u want to be afraid.
Fear is just a feeling you get...u either use it to help you (give u speed...alert...fast response) or use it against u (stand still...freeze...and then u die)
Reminds me when i went to Egypt to visite my cousin...they had a german shepard that was nutts!
I dont like dogs...coz i got bit by one when i was young...so i tend not to get near any large dog because they can feel when you feel aggitated or un easy around them.
Nways they kept telling me not be afraid n stuff...i told them it was not fear....its the negative vibes i have from being around them..
One day the dam dog snapped at me and nearly bit me...i was yelling to the owner to come and hold it....so i was tortured for a few seconds my some silly dog....she came and told me why are u afraid....i said...
I cant stop the fear or my feelings against dogs...but i promise u this...next time ur dog is 10 meters close to me...please forgive me if u find it flying out of ur 30st floor balcony....i wont tolerate this crap from a dog.
My point is....sometimes fear holds u back....so its always best u know what u have to do .... before u face it....and i was dam serious abt throwing that dog out of the balcony...i really am capable of doing crazy things after i have warned someone. And fear is not going to hold me back.
Hence...I fear nothing.