the message board for Dubai English speaking community
kanelli wrote:Why don't you propose a sterilisation policy then - just stop people from procreating at all - then the world will certainly be free of annoying children.
Classist much?Maybe kids and parents are well-behaved in my part of town - who knows!
kanelli wrote: And speaking of adults, I've met very poorly behaved adults in malls and restaurants - being rude, loud and offensive. Should we have some days in the week where rude adults are banned from public places too?
LaurenX wrote:You really really aren't in a position to judge.
And I have no idea who you are.. I know that my friends from the forum have met my son, and he's an angel so my parenting skills can't be that bad! And I save bad language for idiots
LaurenX wrote:'you sometimes need to step back and realise the game can get too old to play'
What do you mean?
LaurenX wrote:I don't get you... but i think maybe there is a message in there somewhere