What do I find? A black VXR Landcruiser parked right in the entrance completely blocking the way! There are several people trying to get their cars out, but its hopeless. No hesitation, I dial 999 and get put through to Traffic dept. on 04 609 5555 (keep that number handy folks!) who call the registered owner.
We wait 45 minutes and after repeated calls, the owner (no racist comment intended here) a VERY arrogant Indian lady who had been in the hair salon opposite and would not come out to move it despite 4 calls from the police "because her nails were not dry!"
Myself and the other drivers asked her what posessed her to park so irresponsibly when she could clearly see this was an access way. She just shrugged and said, "When there are no traffic wardens around, I can park where I like!" She was informed that next time her precious Toyota would be towed into the middle of the highway and all its tyres let down!
Ha! I hope she trips over a paving slab and falls into a pile of dog do!
