This place just isn't the same anymore, and I'm pretty upset with some things that have been going off recently. The forum used to be a fun place to be part of, but now all we seem to do (myself included) is have a go at each other. I miss the good old days of this forum (like the PSP thread) and all the banter that used to go on. Now I find myself coming on just to see who is upsetting who today, and who's thread I'm going to have to move to fight club because it's got out of control - whilst realising that you'll upset people if you move it, and upset others if you don't!
Anyway, I've met some great people on here, and hopefully I'll keep in touch with a fair few of you either by phone or email or MSN or something. You're all great people, and I feel proud to have been part of it, but for now I must take a leave of absence. Who knows, I might come back one day, once you've all lightened up a little (and I'm talking about myself more than anyone!!).
To Ian: My promise to come to Dubai and eat my hat is still on if England lose 5-0!! S&O has offered the drinks to wash it down with - but I think I'm safe

Ok people - have a great christmas and holiday season!!
Best Wishes