lol i saw todays newspaper and there was this Ajman no plate car and the number was 666

lol i dont think the guy will pay for his fine he will probably get his driver to pay for it :p.
increasing the fine and publising pics wont do anything. UAE it self has to change. the ppl employed in the police force have to be more PROFESSIONAL like the Scotland YARD
i wont show off and i m sure others have used their wasta to cancel their fines. so if u gonna fine this person whose number plate is 666 u think they will have problem paying it i dont think so. if u lock their car up dont u think they will use their wasta and get their car out lol. so its UAE overall that needs to change and be like UK where u cant use ur wasta to get out of trouble.
england they have something called black points on a license y dont they have something here instead of fining ppl use the black points and i m sure ppl will learn that way. increasing the fine wont do anything cos ppl in dubai are loaded if they can afford range rover sports they can afford to pay a fine like 3,500dhs.