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2071. Sep 29, 2017
It is the year 2071. We are totally oriented towards future in our daily lives.But let's make exception this time and have a short look into past.
Back in 2017 schools started to teach kids to focus on future and doing actions, rather then just talking (memorising) and trying to impress people. Children were taught at that time to visualise better future, and not to learn for a reason to impress parents, teachers or their peers.
Also they were taught to stop "dress to impress" but rather to focus on productive time-menagment and wear simply clean and neat.
Adults were taught to stop running after wordily luxury and spending money on leisure but rather to invest into their children and their children's children.
Because of vision of leaders in the past, now we have education number 1,2 and 3 priority.
Our families don't spend money to impress friends or parents but rather to educate their daughters and sons.
Instead of spending days at some luxury resorts grandparents are sending their grandchildren to courses for coding, math, languages, skills, sports, natural sciences...or even simply to travel in different countries to have more experiences on their own.
We are now all oriented towards future and we are building stronger, smarter, more tolerant and peaceful generations, because in the past our parents were taught how to deal with psychological complexes and how to avoid to live for others.

They had hard time to learn how to find a pleasure in giving more to new generations, then simply spending time and wealth on their own or on their families and friends, for approval and admiration in return.
And because they didn't do things for admiration and approval of others today we have admiration and approval of all nations worldwide.

Our ancestors succeeded in changing themselves from the inside and now we are seeing products of their changes in our daily lives.
And they didn't change successfully only their personalities and priorities, but the quality of life as well.
Back in a year 2025 they stopped using luxury cars which used petrol and polluted the air and they all turned to electric cars. Cleaner air resulted more green environment and then in 2030 all citizens had a goal to plant at last one tree in some spot of the country. That resulted in more then 20 million new trees, because some people planted more then one of it. For our clean air and green cities and cool shadows we have to thank to God and then to generations before us.

But it was not easy for our ancestors to build worlds as it is now. They had to start with small steps and adjust things in new ways using a lot of creativity and flexibility in thinking and implementing ideas.
In the past transport was a big issue and problem for workers and students. It was taking up to 2-3 hours of their time daily and they didn't have much time for sports or exercise. They had to deal with many health problems relating to stress and lack of exercise.
But when they built streets for bikers and pedestrians of top of existing streets back in 2040 that was the turning point in transport. Students and workers and even tourists had a solution of exercising and having fun before they reach their aimed spots. Of top of that roads were stations for flying cars added. Multidimensional transport started back then and now we are happy to be able to reach any corner of the city without any stop or hardship. From one kind of transport to other is just few steps of walk.

In past they had to walk to market for fresh green food but now we are growing it in vertical gardens attached to each building.
Now we don't do anything to impress neighbours (my lettuce is bigger then yours), we just share what we have.
There are no hungry people in our neighbourhood as we often share meals and leave them in fridges (which are operating on solar energy) on side of upper roads for pedestrians and bikers / tourists.

We do not need approval from anybody for ourselves, we give ourselves approval to build a new stronger, smarter, more creative and more productive generations. In our inheritance we do not leave complexes written in DNK of new generations, because our ancestors rewrote their DNK and changed complexes with generosity, altruism, creativity, happiness, learning experiences etc.

We are happiest nation in the world. We are Dubaians. :D


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