I guess instead of spending billions on fighting in irag and Afghanistan, Uk gov should think about handing out free condoms

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Chocoholic wrote:All you guys are proving is that these things happen everywhere in the world - grow up already! We know it does! No where is exempt from these things happening.
It's a crying shame that this has happened and children having children is certainly not anything any society would wish to condone or advocate.
Education is what is needed desperately and parents need to keep a closer eye on what their children are up to. The only person that is really going to suffer in this situation is the baby, who is an innocent being, dragged into a situation through no fault of her own.
Wednesday Jones wrote:I read somewhere once that the Netherlands has one of the lowest rate of teenage pregnancies in Europe. This is attributed to the excellent love education classes in school.
rudeboy wrote:Uk gov should think about handing out free condoms
bonk wrote:rudeboy wrote:Uk gov should think about handing out free condoms
Agree, and not just the UK but all countries. That may not have made a difference in this case though.
Teenagers get pregnant in all societies whether or not condoms are available for free. Some societies report the story and the mother gives birth. Other societies kill the mothers, and as a result have a lower teenage pregnancy rate. Other societies allow children to get married at a much younger age, and have few or no unmarried mothers as a result.
rudeboy wrote:but the fact is our leaders spend millions on war etc.
bonk wrote:Clogs act as a natural contraceptive device. Would you jump someone wearing wooden shoes?
rudeboy wrote:well this whole incident shows that no1 is perfect. you can have a nuclear bomb, a huge army and a strong economy like england but you will have problems within your society.
Wednesday Jones wrote:So you consider that a CHILD being forced to marry someone in their 70s is right? This is happening in your part of the world.
Children as young as EIGHT being forced to marry. The only reason they would not be pregnant is because they have not reached puberty.
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Speedhump wrote:rudeboy wrote:well this whole incident shows that no1 is perfect. you can have a nuclear bomb, a huge army and a strong economy like england but you will have problems within your society.
I firmly believe the moral values shown by a huge portion of the UK population are close to zero. That applies to adults as much as children, but it is 100 percent true that in the large towns and cities, the country has allowed youngsters to take over the streets, firstly by apathetic parenting, and secondly by the lack of any serious ability of teachers in schools to punish kids. Also, if police arrest a teenager for violent crime (or even someone of lower age) they will not go to jail or even a youth correctional facility, even repeat offenders, because the prisons and institutions are already full. Children quickly learn they have immense power and little responsibility, hence their atrocious behaviour. Knife crime and now gun crime by kids of all races is rising in the UK.
Social workers, socialist councils, left wing peers of the realm, and all the other 'sandalista' brigade have drawn the teeth of the country's penal system, no-one is scared of anything there any more. It's a shame. And it won't get better.
Remember, just about anything bad you see happening in America will eventually happen in the UK. I've seen it personally for decades.
kanelli wrote:This kind of thing happens in other parts of the world, but it is families selling off their girls for marriage to old perverts, just to have one less mouth to feed. Those young girls become pregnant, but it is "okay" because she is married. Total hypocrisy. In some cultures it is the norm for young teens to marry and start families, so they wouldn't even bat an eyelash about this.
It is a childish argument to say that this kid becoming a father at 13 shows that the UK is not perfect. Who ever argued that it was? What society is perfect? I haven't found one yet...
Everyone can see that a large number of people in some societies have become selfish, putting higher income and personal pursuits over caring for their families. Parents should be raising their children to be good, educated, and productive members of society, not neglecting them and letting them run amok. The government should provide a good education system, but it is parents that are most influential on their own children.
Wednesday Jones wrote:I read somewhere once that the Netherlands has one of the lowest rate of teenage pregnancies in Europe. This is attributed to the excellent love education classes in school.
kanelli wrote:This kind of thing happens in other parts of the world, but it is families selling off their girls for marriage to old perverts, just to have one less mouth to feed. Those young girls become pregnant, but it is "okay" because she is married. Total hypocrisy. In some cultures it is the norm for young teens to marry and start families, so they wouldn't even bat an eyelash about this.
It is a childish argument to say that this kid becoming a father at 13 shows that the UK is not perfect. Who ever argued that it was? What society is perfect? I haven't found one yet...
Everyone can see that a large number of people in some societies have become selfish, putting higher income and personal pursuits over caring for their families. Parents should be raising their children to be good, educated, and productive members of society, not neglecting them and letting them run amok. The government should provide a good education system, but it is parents that are most influential on their own children.
rudeboy wrote:if you read my original thread i am not comparing any country. i just wanted to show that even a super power like UK has its problems.
a society which we live in is built by our leaders, our laws and our religion and our education system. i agree with you that it is the parents duty to control their children. but what if the parents didnt go to a school themselfs, then what?
There is something called respect. is there respect being taught in any schools today??
if you discipline your kid and get abit physical with your kid, the police will lock you up in england. so how exactly do you discipline your kid in uk?
kids get lectured by their parents, they get abit frustrated and they are on the dope which is openly available in UK. is the parents fault that drugs are avaiable to kids. or is it the governments?
honestly talking i dont see the parents fault because the kids in UK have power over their parents.