ALTAYER Motors - Car service center
I must say that I am really impressed with their professional level of service. How do you feel when you get a call everytime after you service your car, asking you if you were happy and whether you faced any problems?
Personally, I find it an excellent way to care for customers.
One more point is that in Dubai, night service is offered by the dealer. You can drop your car in the night and get it in the morning. It is a -almost- a 24 hour service center.
P.S. I had owned another brand sold by another dealer, and got rid of the car because of bad customer service. One day, I arrived at 5:30 exactly, the closing time, to pick up my car, but found no one there. Had to take a CAB back to Sharjah for 80 Dirhams.
Some companies treat you in a way that they are doing you a favor by serving you. Altayer motors believes it is the other way round