Say No To Credit Cards And Personal Loans From Dubai Banks

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Say No to Credit Cards and Personal Loans from Dubai Banks Jul 09, 2009

This goes for those new expats coming out here. It wont be easy, for they make you believe that their financial products are a solution for your every need. As much as you can avoid getting any financial service from any bank in Dubai.

I want to share my present experience. Below is an email I recently sent to a group where in Im a member to try to raise some amount. There are no human rights in Dubai hence inability to pay is a crime and since one's job has no security it will really be risky to have long term debts.

Special mention goes to First Gulf Bank, who will make your life a living nightmare.

Take this as a wake up call...

(This is a desperate and urgent plea for your assistance.

I'm on the verge of incarceration because of a default on my loan installment payment. If some of you will remember, my husband was jobless for some time. We were kicked out of our company provided accommodation and I asked my employer for a cash advance so we can pay for a flat deposit. The cash advance I took was payable in three months. For three months that I am being deducted, I could not afford to pay the full amount of my monthly installment and begged them to give me a chance.

They didn't. A police case is now lodged against me and I need to raise at least half of the outstanding so I can negotiate with them to drop the police case. I would like to ask each and everyone if you could lend me any amount convenient for you. With this email I will do my level best to return it as soon as I stand up. I have a 2 year old toddler who's life will be affected should I be jailed. My husband and his family is also trying to find means from their end.

For those who are able to assist, you may email or call me at [•]. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience this email may have caused.)

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