I rented a car from them for a week and returned it because the engine overheated while I was driving. I had harrassing visits and phone calls for a few weeks from Joseph rent a car wanting me to pay for the repairs to the engine, then I got a call from a policeman, so I went to explain what had happened and the policeman acted quite frustrated that I wasn't paying for the damage anyway. This individual was Ahmed who works the night shift in the Muraqqabat police station.
Somehow the contract was tampered with changed from one week to 3 months (someone changed the return date on the contract). Unfortunately, my wife was the one who signed the lease, unknown to us, the police put a travel ban on her and My wife was arrested when we were heading out of the country for a 2 week holiday. She ended up spending the night in police custody and it just destroyed her emotionally. She was a wreck. The police were just not interested in our side of the storey and were quite agressive with us. We insisted on making written statements to the police, but we still paid the 9000 AED to the public prosecuter as the police and public prosecutor said it was required as a security deposit before we could leave the country. After we paid it, they changed their story and said 'the case is closed' there is no way to get it back.
I think the company knew the car was dodgy when they rented it to me.
These people really seem to have friends in the police force who will do them favours - avoid at all costs.
This particular experience really soured my experience of Dubai.