I managed to T-Cut, polish and wax most of the car and get it back to good, smooth condition, until yesterday when unavoidably i was behind a cement mixer truck for no more than 5 seconds and again my entire car is covered in spots (bonnet, roof, sides etc)... you cannot imagine how annoyed i am. As i was overtaking the truck as i came along side i saw it dripping cr@p all onto the road... surely cement trucks are designed not to destroy cars and spread cement everywhere?
Now i know T-Cut probably isnt the best as the bits of cement will be coming off you will polish them in, but i dont see any other way to get the spots off… they are stuck on solid. It did come up good the first time but it took AGES (i spent over 10 hours probably) doing it carefully, shaking out as spots came off/felt smoother.
I cant bear to do this all over again, i could take it to the dealer to sort out (the car is a new VW R32 so again this annoys me more than my old corsa getting wrecked) and i guess they will have to t-cut with an electric buffer and polish and wax. The only thing that worries me is that here as we have experienced most stuff is done half-arsed and i can see my car coming out worse than when it went in. For example, one car salesman on delivering a new car to my friend tried to argue tipex was an acceptable showroom touchup for white cars when trying to fix a minor ding on delivery!
So if you want a job doing do it yourself, i bought a random orbit electric buffer, im thinking of elbow grease to get rid of the worst of the cement with T-Cut, then on the smaller stubborn spots which are left go over with the buffer and T-Cut, then polish then wax. It took me 3 hours (by hand) to do the bonnet AGAIN today, and its still not 100% there are still multiple smaller spots. The entire car may take over 10 hours

Having said that, my friend recently had 2 pack paint job on his motor bike and it has no orange peel and is like a mirror, i am tempted to use 1500 grit wet and dry and spent the time rubbing back to get a mirror finish and remove the cement in the process. But i want to avoid any nasty mistakes and i dread to think how much a entire re-spray would cost.
If anyone can recommend a decent and professional repair company for removing cement it would be the safest option methinks.
Any advice much appreciated, along with any advice on how to remain calm in the face of having so much time and money wasted!