So after writing my introduction in the intro section, I thought I'd come back and share a little more of what I'm working on. I've been building this website dedicated to modified/skylines etc, and working on a video about the whole experience etc,
so for now, heres what I can show you guys: I bought my second GTR 100% stock, it had not a single modification, all original, cause I wanted to have a solid starting point for my build, I've done quit a lot to her over the 3 years I've had it, heres link to the complete build and story which I think some of you will enjoy:
I also have a few pics (below) and a teaser/trailer of the upcoming movie we've been working on, this is filmed on location at a track near my Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Link to video in case code doesn't work:
<iframe src="" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0"></iframe>
and here's a couple photos, hopefully they don't come out looking super huge, sorry if they are massive.