Evolve Motor Club Summer Karting Challenge Series
Evolve Motor Club is proud to present the EMC Summer Karting Challenge. All details below are subject to change as we are only in the conceptual stages of organizing this small Summer Challenge Series. The intention is for this championship to pave the way for the bigger and better 08/09 EMC endurance karting championship.
We will start with small and short endurance races over the next two months. If enough interest is generated, the 08/09 championship will be longer and more intense races. We hope that a by-product of these races will be an Evolve Motor Club karting team that will enter the Nivea For Men 24hour race that will take place 30-31 October.
Please bear with us and understand that we are organizing this for your benefit only. Evolve Motor Club is a non-profit organization that is run by people with day jobs. We are organizing this in our spare time and are doing our best to try and make it as cost effective and professional as possible. It is for this reason that any negative criticisms will be dealt with firmly. Feel free to PM me with constructive criticism. All participants must be fully paid and registered Evolve Motor Club members.
IMPORTANT: In order for this series to progress, we require a MINIMUM of 15 teams to register and pay the entrance fee before 21 June. If less than 15 teams register/pay by this date, then the series will be cancelled and your entrance fee will be refunded in full. If more than 15 teams register/pay by 21 June, your entrance fee is non-refundable.
- teams of minimum two, maximum four drivers
- 2 hour endurance race
- minimum of three driver changes during the course of the race
- a driver cannot drive for two stints back-to-back
- weight handicap: In the sake of fairness, the motorsports committee is reviewing a handicap system which will minimize the advantage gained by lightweight drivers. Details to follow.
- karts will be drawn by ballot prior to the race
- event schedules will be published prior to the event but will consist of practice + qualifying + 2 hour endurance event
- two categories: Novice and Professional
Novice: for those who are new to karting and/or endurance karting
Professional: for those with endurance karting experience or significant experience on-track
Provisional Calendar-four races total in championship
July 4 – evening at Al Ain Raceway
July 25 – evening at Dubai Autodrome (tbc)
August 8 – evening at Al Ain Raceway (tbc)
September 5 - evening at Dubai Autodrome (tbc)
An effort will be made to organize practice sessions 1-2 weeks prior to each race, especially for those with limited karting experience
-1000aed per team (for the first round only) The cost for rounds 2-4 will hopefully be less if we manage to secure sponsorship for the series
-this cost includes use of kart for practice, qualifying and race. It also includes the use of overalls, gloves and helmets
-trophies for 1st, 2nd, 3rd places in both categories
-our team is currently in discussions with potential sponsors so stay tuned for updates!
How to get involved
Step 1: Get down to Evolution Auto Couture (find map at www.evolve.ae) and apply for an Evolve Motor Club (EMC) membership. This will entitle you to participate not only in karting, but other motorsports events and social activities.
Step 2: While you are down at EAC, ask for a registration form for the first round of the EMC summer karting championship. Fill this out, pay the race entry fee and collect your receipt.
Step 3: Sign up for the EMC practice session (that is likely to happen) on 20 June.
Step 4: Stop eating KFC/Hardy’s or other fast food and get your lazy butt in shape for the race!
Points scoring
Please note that the same drivers must compete with each other to be considered for championship points
• 1st – 30 points
• 2nd – 25 points
• 3rd – 22 points
• 4th – 20 points
• 5th – 18 points
• 6th – 16 points
• 7th – 14 points
• 8th _ 13 points
• 9th – 12 points
• 10th – 11 points
• 11th – 10 points
• 12th – 9 points
• 13th _ 8 points
• 14th – 7 points
• 15th – 6 points
Evolve Motor Club committee members are welcome to participate. They will receive points for their participation and will receive trophies in the event of a podium finish. However, they will not be eligible for prizes, cash or otherwise. Prizes will be deferred to the next applicable team.
Motorsports is dangerous. Evolve Motor Club (EMC), Evolution Auto Couture (EAC), the organizers, EMC executive committee, and EMC members are not responsible in any way for any harm that may befall any participants or spectators in these events. Participate at your own risk.