Weird Investment Idea - Opinions Needed - 11% Interest Rate?

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Weird Investment Idea - Opinions needed - 11% interest rate? Jun 30, 2013

I'd like your opinions on this investment plan/idea, that takes advantage of diversification and compound interest.

Here the suggestion for where your investment money goes:

30% into Guaranteed Investments (GICs)
30% into Real Estate (Home or Rental Property)
40% into Stock Market
Buy an Index Fund. Put some of that into the local Stock Market (if you are forced to), then put the rest into the Global Index Fund.

Overtime, that diversification and breakdown (30%, 30%, 40%), usually produces roughly 8% to 11% interest rate a year.

True or not? Your opinions appreciated.

If so, I'm wondering if this can apply to the investment programs offered by Abu-Dhabi Commercial Bank (ADCB):

- Wealth Design:
adcb . com /personalbanking/InvestmentandProtection/investmentsolutions/wealthdesign.asp

- Local and Regional Equity Funds:
adcb . com /personalbanking/InvestmentandProtection/investmentsolutions/lrequityfunds.asp

- Structured Products & Market Linked accounts:
adcb . com /personalbanking/InvestmentandProtection/investmentsolutions/strpromarklinkacc.asp

- Systematic Investment Plans:
adcb . com /personalbanking/InvestmentandProtection/investmentsolutions/systematicinvestplans.asp

Some of them are not very clear, others don't apply to the plan mentioned above, while one seems very good and would save someone the hassle of manual diversification and monitoring.

Would appreciate opinions and if anyone is familiar with their investment programs/partners, how good are they?

Thanks in advance.

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