Hello everybody,
we are a (20 year old) german company and want to expand to the UAE.
The last years we developed the most extreme, unusual and excellent sounding loudspeakersystem. Forget "Focal, Wilson-Audio, B&W....." This is another class.
It is one system without limits. Stereo, surround, cinema, home cinema, yachts, discos and clubs. (pics below)
It is only for rich people and very profitable. The biggest version of this unique system costs more than 1,5mio€. The amplifiers belonging to this system have a weight of up to 1000kg (1T) in the biggest version.
For this project ( a studio in Dubai )min. €550.000 are needed and a yield of 50%/year after the second year is sure. You may also get company shares for the investment.
A businessplan and a brochure of the system can be sent.
At the moment we can demonstrate the system in Germany.
It is a genuine business.