SIP25.... Good Financial Investment...

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SIP25.... Good Financial Investment... Jun 14, 2007

SwissCash is introducing the newest revolutionary financial product, SIP25. Our reputation and track record precede this new financial plan. Swiss Investment Plan 25 (SIP25) means 25% returns on your principal investment every 30 days (month) forever.

SIP25 is putting your money to work for you 24 by 7, 365 days a year; hence returns you 25% per month for as long as the global investment environment provides such opportunity.

Simple Example:
1) If you choose to invest a sum of USD100,000; you will earn a return of USD25,000 every 30 days.
2) If you choose to invest a sum of USD40,000; you will earn a return of USD10,000 every 30 days.

Minimum SIP25 Investment: USD1000
Maximum SIP25 Investment: USD100,000

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