A Plot Of Land For Long Term Lease In Maldives Capital,male'

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A plot of land for long term lease in maldives capital,male' Feb 23, 2007
i am interested in looking for a person or company who is wishing to make a good profit by investing and building an apartment block in the maldives capital, we are ready to provide the land on an agreement for a long term, where the investor build the apartment block, each floor can accomodate a 2 master and 1 single bedroom 2 apartments, and each apartment can be rented out for more than USD900 per month., or and by the way maldives is in the indian ocean and its a very standard of living high country, the place can be built for around USD500000 and we would not be taking any rent from you, and all u earn becomes yours, an estimate of more than USD 1million profit can be achieved over the course of about 10 years. this is a very good business in whic a lot of locals make a high profit
So any intersted parties can call me Ibrahim Shifau on my cell phone +9607707983 or email me @ chips_f@hotmail.com and i ll be glad to reply, Any person who can get this information around to intersted parties please tell them.

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