Naval Or Marine Works.

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Naval or Marine Works. Nov 13, 2009
Good Day,
We are a company looking for works abroad. We just like arabic countries like UAE or Saudi Arabia and others, so we think they are good places to work in, even we speak a little arabic. We are open to any offert and are very used to work abroad. Our main activities at Spain is focused to Naval & Marine inspections, but also carry out many yachts and Small crafts project services, like for example repairs, Studies and projects, Sales - Resales.... We are stablished at Marbella (Malaga - Spain) and our company ic comprised only by two people with efforts and capacities as to carry out Inspections, Vessel Casualties Surveys, Projects, Projects revisions, Research & Development (we actually are in EU FP/ Program for research and Developent of Ultrasonic Tool Development for Sintered Materials, tool that we hope to have developed for the next year 2010), yachts services, small crafts / water jets services, etc...
Any Suggestion, proposal or widespread extension of information, please do not hesitate to contact me through this Forum. Our details will be shown at the moment we are allow to by this Forum.
Marcos Navarro.

UAE, Dubai Forum starter
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