My name is imran. I am in dubai since one year, I do agree that it is not much time here in dubai but still I have been intrested to start out a business of my own. I have some idea about fertilizer and agricultural chemicals back in India my home country.
I would appreciate firstly if you could provide me an idea about how to form an L. L. C for the purpose of doing import from India. I have a good friend in Sharjah whoms sponsor is a humble person, I can request him to sponsor my business but needs to know the exact process and procedures.
And secondly, I will be grateful if you could provide me with the rules and regulation along with the procedure to be followed to import such goods (fertilisers and pesticides) in Dubai.
Personally, i have started a market survey to get an idea of the exact requirements of this region and i was informed that the Ministry of Agriculture & fisheries has a major role in all this but I am not aware of the exact situation.
By all means I need a guidance and I seek the support from you. We may not be knowing each other but still look forward to have a encouraging feed-back. Thanking you for your kind attention, and look forward to receive your reply soon.
Best regards,